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About IAD
The Information Access Division (IAD), part of NIST 's Information Technology Laboratory , provides measurements and standards to advance technologies dealing with access to multimedia and other complex information.

Division Chief:
Dr. Martin Herman

plum colored bullet What IAD does
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plum colored bullet Photos from the Awards Ceremony 2003
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IAD Program Areas:
plum colored bulletHuman Language Technology:
Measurement and evaluation of speech recognition, speaker recognition, spoken language understanding, information search, retrieval, and filtering, document understanding, summarization, interactive speech interfaces

plum colored bullet Biometrics Technology: Identification and Verification Technology
Measurement, evaluation and standards for fingerprint matching and interchange, criminal justice information systems, face recognition and multi-modal biometrics

plum colored bulletInteractive Systems Technology:
Measurement, standards, and evaluation for usability of interactive systems, web usability testing, usability reporting formats, accessibility testing

plum colored bulletDigital- and Multi-Media Technology:
Measurement, evaluation and standards for multimedia, including searching, filtering, MPEG and JPEG standards, 3D on the web, video retrial, motion image quality and optical media

plum colored bulletSmartSpace Technology
Measurement, standards, integration and interoperability of intelligent, interactive environments embedded with computers, information appliances, portable devices and multi-modal sensors.

Privacy Policy/Security Notice/ Accessibility Statement


NIST is an agency of the
U.S. Department of Commerce's
Technology Administration

Site created on May 29, 2001
Last updated: Thursday, August 9, 2004

IAD News & Highlights


Face Recognition Vendor Test (FVRT) 2002 Results

Report on Biometrics Released to Congress

IAD in the News

IAD News Archives

IAD Highlights

NIST Visitor Info

Technical inquiries:
Information Access Division
NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8940, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8940.

IAD website comments: with corrections, comments or feedback.

General NIST inquiries:
(301) 975-NIST (6478)
TTY (301) 975-8295

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