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TF Stabilization

[Oct 2002 - May 2004]
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Current Products of the Task Force

     Task Force Stabilization prepared and approved the documents listed below for release.  While final decisions have not been made in numerous areas and the documents below are subject to change, they represent the concepts of the Task Force on the date shown.

                                                                                                                     6 April 2004


1.  CSA Information Paper.  A short information paper to the Chief of Staff, Army describing the two Unit Manning Courses of Action emerging from the Unit Manning Task Force, as of 7 January 2003. 

2.  Terms and Definitions.  This paper documents Stabilization terms and definitions.  The final version of this document will be published as a glossary of terms in the final report.

3.  Options.  Description of the two courses of action for unit manning, based on the previous work of Gen(R) Thurman.  Each option is discussed conceptually and a number of issues to be resolved is listed at the end.



1.  UpdatedCongressional_Brief_Apr04.  This briefing is an updated version of the briefing which was presented to key professional staffers of both the House Armed Services and Senate Armed Services Committees in early February.  This version addresses Stabilization as the replacement and expansion of the previously announced Home-basing portion of Force Stabilization.  Briefing provides an overview of the current Force Stabilization initiatives.

2.  Congressional_Brief Jan04.  This briefing was presented to key professional staffers of both the House Armed Services and Senate Armed Services Committees in early February.  Briefing provided the attendees with an overview of Force Stabilization.

3.  CSA Decision Brief 7Nov03.  The decision briefing presented to the CSA on 7 November 2003 as one of the Focus Areas.  Four recommendations were presented to the CSA, while all were accepted in concept, approval of one was deferred until a complete implementation plan could be developed which incorporates current operational requirements and other Army initiatives.

4.  Focus Area Mission Analysis.  The initial mission analysis briefing of the Unit Manning Task Force presented to CG, TRADOC as the initial Focus Area product.  When presented, the Focus Area was Unit Manning, but later changed to Task Force Stabilization.

5.  Updated Annotated Briefing Sep03.  Describes concepts under investigation by the Unit Manning Task Force as of Sep 03.  Explains the difference between the conceptual unit manning models and recent PERSCOM support to operational requirements.  Briefing updates the Cyclic model terms.  To download a zipped copy of this briefing click this link:  Annotated Sep

6.  CSA Annotated Briefing 1 May 03.  Information briefing provided to the CSA specifically targeted to answer questions on impacts of unit manning 172d SBCT.  Briefing contains background material on the unit manning options, the specifics of 172d, and the synchronization of unit manning with unit rotation.  To download a zipped copy of this briefing click this link:

7.  Annotated Briefing.  Describes the initial concepts under investigation by the Unit Manning Task Force as of Jan 03.  Briefing notes synopsize key points of each slide.  This briefing, or extracts from it, were presented to the VCSA, CSA, Under Secretary and Secretary of the Army.   To download a zipped copy of this briefing click this link:

8.  Congressional Briefing.  Informed staffers for select members of Congress, specifically the House and Senate Armed Services Committees,  in January and February, 2003.  Purpose was to make them aware of the concepts being investigated and make them aware of possible changes in the near future.  To download a zipped copy of this briefing click this link: 

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