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Employment & Unemployment
    Special Notices Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat files (FTP)
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)

Access to Historical Data for the "A" Tables of the Employment Situation Release.

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (National)   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)

Access to Historical Data for the "B" Tables of the Employment Situation Release.

Employment, Hours, and Earnings from the Current Employment Statistics survey (State and Metro Area)   Warning Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
State and County Employment and Wages from the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (2001 forward)   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens)
Business Employment Dynamics   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens)
Local Area Unemployment Statistics   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)

Create Customized Maps -- Unemployment Rates

Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment   Most Requested Statistics Flat Files (FTP)
Mass Layoff Statistics   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
National Longitudinal Surveys   Create Customized Tables (one screen) Flat Files (FTP)
Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
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Prices & Living Conditions
    Special Notices Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat files (FTP)
CPI-All Urban Consumers (Current Series)   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
CPI-Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (Current Series)   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
CPI-Average Price Data   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
CPI-Department Store Inventory Price Index   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Chained CPI-All Urban Consumers   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Producer Price Index Industry Data   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Producer Price Index Commodity Data   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Import/Export Price Indexes   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Consumer Expenditure Survey   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
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Compensation & Working Conditions
    Special Notices Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat files (FTP)
National Compensation Survey   Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Employee Benefits Survey   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Employment Cost Index   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Employer Cost for Employee Compensation   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Work Stoppage Data   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
NEW Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (2003)   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Nonfatal cases involving days away from work: selected characteristics (1992-2001)   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Nonfatal cases involving days away from work: selected characteristics (2002)   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Occupational injuries and illnesses: industry data (2002)   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
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Productivity & Technology
    Special Notices Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat files (FTP)
Major Sector Productivity and Costs Index   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Major Sector Multifactor Productivity Index   Warning Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Industry Productivity and Costs   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
Foreign Labor Statistics   Most Requested Statistics Create Customized Tables (one screen) Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) Flat Files (FTP)
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Regional Resources
New England Information Office (Boston, MA)   Most Requested Statistics
New York-New Jersey Information Office (New York, NY)   Most Requested Statistics
Mid-Atlantic Information Office (Philadelphia, PA)   Most Requested Statistics
Southeast Information Office (Atlanta, GA)   Most Requested Statistics
Midwest Information office (Chicago, IL)   Most Requested Statistics
Southwest Information Office (Dallas, TX)   Most Requested Statistics
Mountain-Plains Information Office (Kansas City, MO)   Most Requested Statistics
Western Information Office (San Francisco, CA)   Most Requested Statistics
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About the Tools
Warning -- Important Notices.
Most Requested Statistics -- allows users to quickly retrieve BLS time series data from lists of those most commonly requested.
Create Customized Tables (one screen) -- this application (previously called "Public Data Query") requires a Java-enabled browser. Choose the data you want from BLS databases on a simple, one-screen form.
Create Customized Tables (multiple screens) -- a form-based query application which allows you to obtain BLS time series data based on choices you make (previously called "Selective Access")
Flat Files (FTP) -- a link to the BLS FTP server. Given the limitations on the amount of data which can be extracted using any of the applications provided on the Web site, the FTP server can be ideal for those users requiring large volumes of time series data.


  Economic News Releases -- these news releases present the latest data produced by various BLS programs and surveys. News releases are grouped according to major BLS statistical categories (for example, Employment and Unemployment, Prices and Living Conditions, etc.) for quick reference and contain pre-formatted data tables along with text explanations provided by BLS economic staff.
  Series Report --this application uses BLS time series identifiers as input in extracting data from each survey-specific database, according to a specified set of date ranges and output options. Primarily for use by experienced users of BLS time series data, this application provides the most efficient path for those users who are familiar with the format of each survey-specific time series identifier and do not require any further assistance in formulating a query.
  Economy At a Glance -- tables which contain current data, organized by geography and by industry, on the various economic indicators produced by BLS.
  More Sources of Data



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U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
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Fax-on-demand: (202) 691-6325
Data questions: blsdata_staff@bls.gov
Technical (web) questions: webmaster@bls.gov
Other comments: feedback@bls.gov