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Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System
Mr. David M. Bowman
General Manager, AV-8B Program
The Boeing Company
FAR and DFAR rules require that contractors have the opportunity
to comment on adverse PPI on report cards as well as other PPI gathered
under less formal collection methods.
The form and content of this assessment continuum should be consistent
throughout the contract performance period to ensure successful performance.
The narrative is the most critical aspect of PPI assessments.
Performance assessments are the responsibility of the program/project/contracting
team, considering the customer’s input; no one office or organization
should independently determine a performance assessment.
Performance assessments should be developed throughout the period
of contract performance, and not held to the end of the performance
Characteristics of a Win-Win CPAR Scenario:
Repeatable Process
Joint Agreement
Services and Program offices use/enforce CPAR process in same manner.
No surprises. Mutually agreed-upon expectations established early.
No hidden agendas. Not used as a "hammer" on the contractor.
Well trained subject matter experts.
Win-Win means Interim Assessments, Interim Assessments, Interim
Joint Win-Win Process
Clear Expectations
Interim Assessment 1
Interim Assessment 2
Interim Assessment… n
CPAR Report Card
Mr. Wallace Coggins
U.S. Navy, Naval Air Systems Command
PRAG Chairman, Joint Strike Fighter Program Office
Many CPARS are excellent:
Ratings are justified and supported by narrative
Narrative appears to tell the "whole" story
Lessons Learned:
Keep CPARS current - avoid calls from the PRAG
Primary purpose of CPARS is for use in source selections - not to
manage contractors
Accurate CPAR information allows source selection team to assess
level of risk based on offeror's performance
Contractors with strong past performance will be more competitive
Contractors have an incentive to maintain good performance and address
poor performance
Better CPARS:
CPAR grades are consistent with CPAR definitions
Writer backs up ratings with narrative, i.e., not just, "Contractor
was exceptional" - but what was accomplished that exceeds requirements
to Govt’s benefit
Ratings and narrative are consistent
Ratings and other program metrics are consistent (e.g., award fee,
Tie the story together
Make sure large rating shifts are well supported
Document resolution of problems previously identified
Involve DCMA personnel in CPAR process
Ms. Margaret Gillam
U. S. Air Force, Air Force Space Command
Lead CPARS Focal Point
A quality CPAR:
Allows the reader (who may not have source selection experience
or personal knowledge of the Contractor’s performance) to gain a
complete understanding of the Contractor’s performance on
your contract
Fully addresses the Contractor’s performance with respect to: RECENCY,
Period of performance evaluated is a mandatory fill-in on the CPAR
Is it within the past three years?
Need to provide a thorough CPAR so future readers can easily determine
how the CPAR relates to the acquisition the reader is evaluating
Consider scope of work, dollar amount, magnitude of the project,
area of work
Information contained in Block 17 (Contract Effort Description)
CPARS form guidance:
Block 17 - Contract Effort Description. Provide a complete description
of the contract effort that identifies key technologies, components,
subsystems, and requirements. This section is of critical importance
to future performance risk assessment groups (PRAGs) and source selection
authorities. The description should be detailed enough to assist
a future PRAG in determining the relevancy of this program to their
source selection. Also, keep in mind that users of this information
may not understand program jargon. It is important to address the
complexity of the contract effort and the overall technical risk associated
with accomplishing the effort. For intermediate CPARs, a brief
description of key milestone events that occurred in the review
period may be beneficial (e.g., critical design review (CDR), functional
configuration audit (FCA)), as well as, major contract modifications
during the period. For task/delivery order contracts, state
the number of tasks issued during the period, tasks completed during
the period, and tasks which remain active. For contracts which
include multiple functional disciplines or activities, categories
should be designated to: (1) reflect the full scope of the contract,
and (2) allow grouping similar work efforts within the categories
to avoid unnecessary segregation of essentially similar specialties
or activities. Each category or area should be separately numbered,
titled and described within Block 17 to facilitate cross-referencing
with the evaluation of the contractor's performance within each category
in Blocks 18 and 19. If necessary, the description within this block
may be extended to one additional typewritten page. MANDATORY.
Describe the Contractor’s performance for the time period covered
by this CPAR
Provide comprehensive and thorough details on the quality of services
rendered by the Contractor
A quality narrative should be based on objective data, program reviews,
Insufficient narrative is a common problem on CPARs
Evaluators rely on the narrative, not the ratings, to support their
source selection decision
CPARS Guide requires that the Assessing Official provide narrative
for each element that they rate, EVEN IF THE RATING IS SATISFACTORY
Who does past performance evaluations and the quality check of those
Evaluations will be done by the Business Resource Advisory Group
(BRAG), if the contract were written under AFI 63-124, Performance
Based Services Acquisitions
Evaluations will be done by functional, technical, contracting,
quality assurance and other specialties (JAG and finance) if contract
were not written under AFI 63-124
Past performance evaluation is a standard function of contract administration
(FAR 42.1503)
Evaluation team must:
Assign input duties and order of input (especially if assigning
multiple Program Manager Reps)
CO MUST review each CPAR
Ensure evaluations/input timelines adhere to the 120 day goal for
CPAR completion (including mandatory 30 days for Contractor review)
Advise unit focal point of access authorization changes
On an annual basis, schedule an evaluation meeting right after the
end of the annual contract performance period (e.g., first week of
BUT, don’t wait until the end of the evaluation period to provide
the Contractors with feedback; good communication is a continuous
As a reminder, not ALL contracts begin in October so need to adjust
according to your contract’s period of performance
Checklist for a "quality" CPARS:
Establish up-front with the Contractor the areas which will be evaluated
Contractor and all evaluators shall have a copy of the AF CPARS
Guide and the definitions of the ratings
Provide at post-award conference if new contract award
Provide prior to annual evaluation meeting if an existing contract
Areas to be evaluated may change based on additional work within
scope changes or different mission emphasis
Communicate, communicate, communicate…
Don’t wait until the annual evaluation to make the Contractor aware
of their performance
Continuous communication gives the Contractor the opportunity to
correct any deficiencies and should ultimately ensure better performance
for the Government
Contractor performance should NOT be a mystery to the Contractor!
Document, document, document…
CPAR is done annually BUT need to document performance regularly
(e.g., monthly Certificate of Service, semi-annual award fee, etc.)
to ensure accurate recollection at the end of the evaluation period
Also assists follow-on evaluators in the event the original evaluator’s
areas of responsibility change during the life of the contract
Out-of-Cycle CPAR:
Prior to an assessing official departing (or contract being transferred
to another organizational element), the assessing official should
complete an informational CPAR if at least four months have elapsed
since the last CPAR was completed
Informational form need not be processed through the Contractor
and CPAR reviewing official; it should be passed to the succeeding
assessing official for background information for completing the next
Team Member Responsibilities:
All evaluating team members should provide input and thoroughly
review the CPARS
Review the definitions for the evaluation ratings contained in the
AF CPARS Guide - compare them to the ratings/narrative given on the
Contractor’s evaluation
Ensure consistency between the rating given and the narrative for
the rating
An EXCEPTIONAL rating should have exceptional narrative to
back it up
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