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The CBIAC has an extensive current awareness program designed to:

Current Awareness Products

The items described below assist the CBIAC in achieving these goals.

CBIAC Newsletter: Published quarterly, the CBIAC Newsletter is distributed to over 2,300 individuals involved in the CBD and HLS arena worldwide. The CBIAC Newsletter highlights the internal activities of the CBIAC, as well as information of interest to the CBD and HLS communities. Readers may submit articles which have been approved for public release and are relevant to CBD and HLS for consideration. All submissions are subject to review and approval by the CBIAC, DTIC IAC Program Office and CBIAC COTR.

Advertising in the CBIAC Newsletter: The CBIAC accepts paid advertisements from the CBD community for inclusion in our quarterly newsletter. Anyone dealing with scientific and engineering equipment and services and other commodities generally related to the mission and scope of the CBIAC may submit advertisements. All advertisements are subject to review approval by the CBIAC, DTIC IAC Program Office and CBIAC COTR before being printed. Please see the CBIAC Newsletter Advertisers' Guidelines for additional information on price and policy.

Homepage: Updated on a regular basis, the CBIAC homepage can be accessed on the Internet at http://www.cbiac.apgea.army.mil and includes:

Introductory Brochures and Flyers: Upon request, free brochures and flyers describing the CBIAC products and services will be provided.

Briefings: A comprehensive 30-60 minute briefing on the CBIAC and our capabilities is available upon request.