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Comments to CALL's Webmaster
CALL welcomes your comments and suggestions. If your comment is in reference to a specific web page please remember to include the web page title and/or address.

Notice of Collection of Personal Information: The personal information requested in this form is for the purpose of contacting the submitting individual(s). Name, grade, title or organization are not required for submission of comments, but an E-mail address and comments are required to submit the form and to receive a response. At our discretion, we may share your comments with web administrators, web authors, editors and support personnel in order to improve our web site's performance and usefulness. In other limited circumstances, including requests from Congress or private individuals, we may be required by law to disclose information you submit.

NOTE: Use this form if you are providing comments about our web site, recommending better methods, improving site navigation, advising of broken links, requesting links, errors or other problems with the site. If you are ordering publications or requiring research, please use our "Request for Information" form.

1. Identification
    *Note: Initial reply will be via email to provide a record copy of comments and responses. Phone may be used for follow up or in the case of email problems.

2. Website and comments

    While not mandatory, telling us what site you are commenting on will aid in providing you a quick response.

    What is the subject of your comments or suggestion?

    NOTE: If your are reporting a broken link, please include the page address on which you found the problem.

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DoD Resource Locator Registration 9973

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If you have any access problems, please contact the webmaster.

Attention Screen Reader Users: If your screen reader is unable to read this form, you may email your comments to . Please include the following information:
  • Rank or Grade
  • Title if Civilian
  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Organization
  • URL of the web site you are commenting on
  • Subject of your comment
  • Your Comment