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Office of Humanitarian Assistance and Mine Action

Delivery of EUCOM Items to Knin Hospital
Zagreb, Croatia

The Mayor of Knin, Vinko Maric and the Director of the Knin hospital, Dr. Shahabi would like to thank EUCOM and the American Embassy Zagreb for the items that were donated to the Knin hospital. There was a press coverage and a radio interview with the local station. The materials donated will be used in the hospital to provide services to all its citizens. Dr. Shahabi stated " the Americans have helped us, with one donation of equipment, more than we have received in recent years." Mayor Maric said "by helping the Knin hospital, the USG has done a great service to Knin and will be forever remembered for its gracious contribution.'' The donation of items left a great impact and was a huge success. Those who were responsible for delivery of items to Croatia should be commended.  [more]

School Project in East Timor

The pictures below depict 140 USN/ USMC personnel working to improve a school along the northern coast of Timor Leste, where four different building are being renovated. The project includes a paint crew, demolition crew, construction crew and carpentry crew. All the members are totally enthusiastic about this project and look forward to this school becoming a premier educational facility. Also, the Bario Pite Medical Dental Civic Action Program team saw 200 patients with a variety of different problems.  [more]

Tunisia: HA Other /Excess Property Combined Project 

The pictures show Humanitarian Assistance- financed refurbished apartments and excess property furnishings to temporarily lodge abused women. [more]

Rwanda: Construction of a School and a Hospital

These pictures are the efforts of the Humanitarian Assistance projects for Rwanda. In FY01 $256K of OHDACA funds were received for the construction of a school and a hospital which have been completed. Rwanda also received $205K of OHDACA funds in FY02 for the construction of schools in Kibunbgo Prefect, these projects are currently in the works. Also included is a picture of the ribbon cutting ceremony and a sign that is up at one of the schools. [more]

Tanzania: Mbeya Projects Tied to The Walter Reed Hospital

The DoD Humanitarian Assistance Program and the Kihumbe orphanage coordinator, Mama Florence Mwankanyamale, helped coordinated the construction of a new orphanage. This new orphanage will help people living with HIV/AIDS get assistance. 

Also, The Humanitarian Assistance Program assisted with the building of a new rehab ward at the Mbeya Referral Hospital. These pictures are of Mama Florence Mwankanyamale, the Kihumbe Orphanage Coordinator and the new rehab ward at the hospital. [more]

HA&MA Multi-Media Presentation is Online

Click here for the latest! [more]

The Office of Humanitarian Assistance and Mine Action (HA/MA) provides supervision and oversight of DOD humanitarian mine action and humanitarian assistance (HA) programs for the Director, DSCA. Humanitarian programs support foreign policy and national security interests of assuring our allies and friendly nations and dissuading would-be aggressors by providing regional stability, promoting democracies and economic development. DOD humanitarian assistance programs provide the Combatant Commanders with unobtrusive, low cost, but highly effective instruments to carry out their security cooperation missions. 

Functions accomplished by HA/MA include management of the Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA) appropriation; oversight of the combatant commanders' operational mine action, humanitarian and civic assistance (HCA) programs; the DOD Humanitarian Assistance Program (HAP) and Foreign Disaster Relief and Emergency Response activities. HAP provides excess, non-lethal, excess property (EP) to authorized recipients, and arranges for its transportation. HA/MA also coordinates foreign disaster relief missions, and procures, manages, and arranges for delivery of humanitarian daily rations (HDR) where required. The Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) program assists countries that are experiencing the adverse affects of uncleared landmines. The program is directly managed by the combatant commanders and contributes to unit and individual readiness by providing unique in-country training opportunities that cannot be duplicated in the United States. The Humanitarian and Civic Assistance (HCA) program permits US military forces to carry out humanitarian assistance projects as part of training missions overseas. Typical projects include medical, dental, and veterinary care in rural areas, well drilling, and construction of basic sanitation facilities. The Denton (space available) Transportation program arranges 'no cost' transportation for donors or recipients for delivery of humanitarian goods to countries in need. The Funded Transportation program permits transportation of cargo and DOD non-lethal excess property worldwide for non-governmental/international organizations (NGO/IO). This authority provides for the actual cost of transportation and the payment of any associated administrative costs incurred. 

HA/MA activities are accomplished pursuant to the following legislative authorities: title 10, US Code, sections 401, 402, 404, 2557, 2561; and section 8009, Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2004 (P.L. 108-87), September 30, 2003

Resources Banner

pointerRoles and responsibilities
pointerHumanitarian Assistance Program
pointerExcess Property Program
pointerFunded Transportation Program
pointerDenton (Space Available) Program
pointerHumanitarian Mine Action Program
pointerForeign Disaster Relief and Emergency Response
pointerHumanitarian and Civic Assistance Program
pointerOverseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA) Appropriation
pointerOHDACA Summary

pointerState Department
pointer(OCT 2001) HDR Press Release

Azerbaijan: Shirvanovka Water Line

The DoD Humanitarian Assistance Program funded a $150k project to construct a school in Shirvanovka in Northern Azerbaijan. These pictures reflect what the Office for Defense Cooperation Chief did with a remaining $3k from the school project, making repairs to a water line for the local people and bringing potable water to thousands of civilians. [more]

Rebuilding Sultan Rasia Girls School

A humanitarian project recently completed in Afghanistan provides a brighter future for Afghan children. The opening of the Sultan Rasia girls School in November 2002 heralds the liberty, education and empowerment of Afghan girls. [more]


In FY01, the HA program funded Benin Country Team with $190K for the construction of two schools, one located in Ouake and one in Malanville. The dedication ceremonies were conducted on 16 Nov 02, and 14 Nov. 02, respectively. Benin has been a consistent player in EUCOM's HA program. [more]


In FY00 the HA-Other program provided the Chad Country Team with $100K to construct rudimentary school buildings in rural, under-served areas. Three classrooms were constructed with these funds in Bénoyé, which is located about 50 km north of Moundou in Southern Chad.  These classrooms, which are quite basic by our standards, are a quantum leap forward from the grass shelters where classes were formerly held, and which needed to be rebuilt annually after the rainy season. [more]


These are pictures from Burkina Faso's dedication ceremony for the completion of the FY01 HA-funded school construction project. In FY01, Burkina Faso received $104K in OHDACA funding for the rudimentary construction of a school. Upon completion, this project will be followed on by a shipment of DoD Excess Property which will furnish the building with desks, chairs and other limited school supplies. [more]

Renovation of a Medical Clinic in Banjul, The Gambia

These are pictures, press release and speech from the ground-breaking ceremony on the FY02 HA project in The Gambia. This $41K project will renovate the medical clinic that provides health care to the local civilian population at Fajara Barracks in Banjul. [more]

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