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Commander's Equal Employment Opportunity Program Guide

Program Components and Standards



Program Design and Policy Execution


Affirmative Employment and EEO Program Policy statements are signed and displayed, (AR 690-12, 29 CFR 1614, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC) Management Directive [MD] 110)


The EEO Officer reports to Chief of Staff or Commander (29 CFR1614, EEOC MD 110, and AR 690-12)


Sufficient staff and other resources are allocated to ensure viable, efficient and successful program operation (29 CFR 1614, DODD 1440-1, AR 690-12, EEOC MD 714)


An Alternate Dispute Resolution Program is established or available for both the pre-complaint process and the formal complaint process. (29 CFR 1614; AR 690-600)


EEO is a critical element in the performance appraisal of all supervisors and managers. (29 CFR 1614, DODD 1440.1)


Special Emphasis Program Managers designated. (E.g., Individuals With Disabilities, Federal Women's Program, Asian and Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, and Native American program managers) (DODD 1440.1, 29 CFR 1614, EEOC MD 110)


Program Management


Commander or the command group meets at least yearly with community civic organizations, local educators, and there is an EEO Committee (29CFR1614.102, AR 690-12)


There is an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, (EEOC), approved Affirmative Employment Plan (AEP), Accomplishment & Update Report for minorities, women, and veterans, (as appropriate), (EEOC MD 712, 713, and 714)


There is an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) approved, Affirmative Action Program Plan for Individuals With Disabilities; and a Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Plan. (5 CFR 720, EEOC MD 713)


Facilities are accessible. Where appropriate, goals and timetables are set for architectural barrier removal. (Section 504, Rehabilitation Act, 1973; EEOC MD 712, AR 690-12)


Staff Advisory Service/ Staff Coordination


Prevention of Sexual Harassment training is conducted annually for all employees. (OASA (M&RA) Policy Letter, December 17, 1996, 29 CFR 1614, DODD 1440.1)


Key personnel actions (training, promotions, awards, disciplinary actions are reviewed and monitored for fair application) (EEOC MD 714)


Programmed goals contained in the DVAAP, AAP, and AEP are reported to command and staff management. Goals change as conditions and status dictate. (local AEP, local AAP, 29CFR1614, DODD1400.1, AR690-12)


Program Administration


All levels of Management regularly kept informed on EEO issues.


The EEO staff conducts program evaluation with active participation and involvement by managers to identify problem areas, causative factors and assure compliance with EEO policies and laws. EEOC MD 714


Counselors are trained, have DA certification, and receive refresher training. (AR 690-600, 29CFR11614, EEOC MD 110)


Complaints are investigated within 180 days of filing (EEOC MD 110)


Complaint data are accurately recorded in automated databases.


Complaints are accepted, and OCI investigator is requested within 15 calendar days of receipt. AR690-600


Written materials are available to all employees and applicants informing them on the variety of EEO program, administrative and judicial remedial procedures available to them. Information is prominently posted throughout the workplace. 29CFR1614.


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