AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Treatment Cost Estimating Application

AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Treatment Cost Estimating Application
AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Treatment Cost Estimating Application

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AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Mine DrainageTreatment Cost Estimating Application

Known Problems with Release 3.0

  • Input of very high numbers into the water quality and quantity screen can, under certain circumstances, crash the application database.  Repair of this problem requires the user to completely uninstall and reinstall AMDTreat.  This issue is corrected in AMDTreat release 3.1.

  • In several instances, the printed reports do not exactly match the screens. This issue is corrected in AMDTreat 3.1.

Known Problems with Release 3.1

  • The VFP report does not print correctly on some printers. This error is due to the large size of the VFP screen. On some printers, this problem can be corrected by reducing the size of the margins in the printer setup. No other fix to this problem is anticipated.
  • The Save function does not save values from the Hydrated Lime, OLC, and Engineering modules; nor does it save values from the financial tools. This error exists in all previous versions of the software.

Known Problems with Release 3.1.a

  • Saved files from older versions are not compatible with this version of AMDTreat. This problem is new to version 3.1a and is corrected in version 3.1b.

Known Problems with Release 3.1.b

  • This is the current downloadable version of AMDTreat. The Mass Balance Calculator Tool has a multiply error and is miscalculating pounds per year by a factor of 10. The answer should be divided by 10 to obtain the correct result. This error exists in this and all previous versions of the software. It will be corrected in the next release.

Known Problems with Release 3.1.c

  • Problems persist in the Mass Balance Equation tool. First, the tool will only work with two net acid waters. Using the tool to mix alkaline and acid water will produce a zero result. Second, there are errors in the pounds per day and the pounds per year results provided on the screen. To correct these errors, the pounds per day results should be multiplied by ten and the pounds per year results should be divided by 10. These errors will be corrected in the next release. These errors exist in all previous versions of the software. Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.
  • The divider line on the Primary Retention Pond module is not straight.


*The term AMD is used, in this context, to refer to any pollutional discharge emanating from a mining operation. Many of these discharges are, in fact, alkaline with high levels of metals.
Contact Information:
Office of Surface Mining
Harrisburg Field Office
415 Market Street, Suite 3C
Harrisburg Transportation Center
Harrisburg, PA  17101
Phone: (717) 782-4036

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