AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Treatment Cost Estimating Application

AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Treatment Cost Estimating Application
AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Treatment Cost Estimating Application

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AMDTreat, a member of OSM's Technical Innovation and Professional Services (TIPS) suite of software, is a computer application for estimating abatement costs for pollutional mine drainage, commonly referred to as Acid Mine Drainage or AMD*. AMDTreat can assist a user in estimating costs to abate water pollution using a variety of passive and chemical treatment types; including, vertical flow ponds, anoxic limestone drains, anaerobic wetlands, aerobic wetlands, manganese removal beds, oxic limestone channels, caustic soda, hydrated lime, pebble quicklime, ammonia and soda ash treatment systems. The acid mine drainage abatement cost model provides over 400 user modifiable variables in estimating costs for treatment facility construction, excavation, revegetation, piping, road construction, land acquisition, system maintenance, labor, water sampling, design, surveying, pumping, sludge removal, chemical consumption, clearing and grubbing, mechanical aeration, and ditching. (Pronounced: am'-D-treat or A-M-D-treat.)

AMDTreat AMD Water Pollution Mine DrainageTreatment Cost Estimating Application

* The term AMD is used, in this context, to refer to any pollutional discharge emanating from a mining operation. Many of these discharges are, in fact, alkaline with high levels of metals.

 AMDTreat News

The AMDTreat Team has begun work on the next version of AMDTreat. To help us with that process, we are requesting your input as to what new features or improvements to existing features should be included. If you have some ideas to improve or enhance AMDTreat, please contact us using the E-Mail addresses or phone number on our Support page. Also, view our current list of proposed improvements (Wish List).

The AMDTreat Development Team and TIPS are requesting that you register as a user of AMDTreat. As a registered user, you will receive notice of upcoming AMDTreat events, including training and software updates. And, perhaps more importantly, it causes the little popup registration reminder to stop popping up
.  In addition, the new registration page collects important information about you and your use of the software that gives the development team needed information to insure continued support for the software.

 Four C's Award
The AMDTreat Development Team was the recipient of the Secretary of Interior's "Four C's" Award" for 2003. This award is given annually to groups or individuals that exemplify the Four C's concepts of "Consultation, Cooperation, and Communication all in the service of Conservation."

AMDTreat was developed cooperatively by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM).

Contact Information:
Office of Surface Mining
Harrisburg Field Office
415 Market Street, Suite 3C
Harrisburg Transportation Center
Harrisburg, PA  17101
Phone: (717) 782-4036

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