image with the sign of the United States Embassy,Athens-Greece
91 Vassilisis Sophias Avenue, Athens 10160, Greece, Telephone: 30-210-721-2951
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Foreign Agricultural Service
8 Makedonon Street
GR-101 60 Athens
Tel: +30-210-720-2233
Fax: +30-210-721-5264

The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is dedicated to promoting exports of U.S. food and agricultural products by representing interests of U.S. farmers and the U.S. food and agricultural sectors abroad.

FAS/Athens' mission is to:
  • Advance the goals of U.S. agricultural trade policy
  • Promote U.S. food and agricultural products
  • Advise U.S. exporters on specific questions
  • Prepare a large variety of commodity and marketing reports
  • Assist U.S. companies participating in trade shows
  • Facilitate U.S. companies' access to the Greek market

Please select one of the links on the left column to view FAS provided services.

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