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Diseases & Vaccines Vaccine Safety Immunization Registry Schedules and Special Requirements

Immunization Registry
Immunization registries are confidential, computerized information systems that catalog patients' immunization histories. Immunization registries provide information that can be utilized for vaccine safety studies and incorporated into ongoing quality improvement practices. These systems help to ensure high coverage levels at the provider or practice level. In addition, registries can be used to send automated information and reminders to under-immunized patients. By consolidating records that are scattered across providers, registries provide accurate, up-to-date documented proof of patient community immunization coverage levels.

Every Child By Two
State-by-state immunization registry progress report complete with state-by-state map including the percentage of children with immunization histories in a registry.

All Kids Count
Immunization registry fact sheets on topics, including why registries are needed, history, who registries benefit, registry issues (privacy, cost and funding) complete with success stories and organizational support.

CDC Registry Info
Immunization registry fact sheets, Healthy People 2010 objectives, minimum functional standards for registries, pros and cons of free software, presentations given on immunization registries, legislative and regulatory issues, groups supporting immunization registries, registry research grant information, guidance for registry development and a list of registry resources are given.