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With innovation at the heart of the United States economy, the call for strong collaboration between government, academic, and commercial sectors is ever-increasing.

We believe that our activities are a step in the right direction, for they facilitate such collaborations and can lead to the advanced technologies that make human space flight possible.

We are pleased to welcome you to our web site for advanced technology integration. The primary objective of this site is to educate and inform members of the biomedical community who are interested in the challenges of human spaceflight, be they researchers, engineers, technology developers, or physicians. The intended outcome for all of our work is to facilitate collaborations and other relationships that will advance the technologies needed for human space flight.

We hope that you will find this site to be a resource for understanding NASA's work in the space and life sciences; ultimately, we hope that you will join us in forging the strong, mutually beneficial relationships that lead to innovation and success for everyone involved.

We are always striving to improve this site and all of our activities, so we ask that you answer a few questions in our feedback survey and e-mail us if you have further comments or questions.
Please note that NASA generally does not provide information material to foreign corporations and is prohibited from working with such entities.
Image of Planets with International Space Station in forefront
This site contains three main sections:
Technology Integration: this section introduces general objectives for technology integration and provides an overview of our particular approach and activities.
    - Overview of Technology Development and Space and Life Sciences
- About Advanced Technology Integration Group (ATIG)
- Technology Needs
Presentation Portal: this section contains an archive of informative audiovisual presentations that will be updated on a regular basis.
Reference Rack: this section provides a compendium of downloadable files, upcoming events, and links to other sites that will be expanded on a regular basis.
    - Downloads
- Links
- Events of Interest
- Funding Facts

Author: SL/S. Alyssa Mueller -
Curator: SL/David Kiss -
Responsible NASA Official: SL/Don Stilwell -
This site was last updated: October 5, 2004

Nasa homepage link
