It All Adds Up To Clean Air
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Bullet Trip Chaining
Bullet Maintaining Your Car
Bullet Refuel in the Evening
Bullet Alternative Modes of Transportation
Bullet 10 Simple Steps
Bullet Did You Know?

Alliance for Clean Air Transportation

Clean Air Transportation Resources

Remember when you got your chores done all at once so you could go out and play? Trip chaining is the same idea - only you'll save the air in addition to saving time.

When you start your car after it's been sitting for more than an hour, it pollutes up to five times more than when the engine's warm. That's why combining errands into one sensible trip is more effective and reduces air pollution. This means more time in your life, less traffic congestion and less pollution - which all adds up to cleaner air.

So make a list, plan your route and trip chain. You'll be saving a lot more than just time.

For more information, please visit the Seasonal Theme Program section on Winter messages and materials.

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