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USAID Promotes Local Governance Projects
October 2003

Mokhtars from Abu Ghrayek, 1 of 15 subdistricts of the Babel Governate, listen to a description of the basics of democracy and the selection process that will allow for delegates to select 20 members from their communities to a new district council. USAID is working to promote ongoing  local governence projects throughout Iraq.
Mokhtars from Abu Ghrayek, 1 of 15 subdistricts of the Babel Governate, listen to a description of the basics of democracy and specifically the selection process that will allow for delegates to select 20 members from their communities to a new district council. Part of the one hour presentation encouraged them to consider both women and
Mokhtars from Abu Ghrayek, 1 of 15 subdistricts of the Babel Governate, make notes while listening to a description of the basics of democracy and the selection process that will allow for delegates to select 20 members from their communities to a new district council. USAID is working to promote ongoing  local governence projects throughout Iraq.
Mokhtars from Abu Ghrayek, 1 of 15 subdistricts of the Babel Governate, listen to a description of the basics of democracy and specifically the selection process that will allow for delegates to select 20 members from their communities to a new district council. Mayfied holds up a voting card from the former regime which allowed no choice on the ballot. USAID is working to promote ongoing  local governence projects throughout Iraq.
Mokhtars from Abu Ghrayek, 1 of 15 subdistricts of the Babel Governate, listen to a description of the basics of democracy and the selection process that will allow for delegates to select 20 members from their communities to a new district council. USAID is working to promote ongoing  local governence projects throughout Iraq.
An unidentified Mokhtar from Abu Ghrayek, 1 of 15 subdistricts of the Babel Governate, listen to a description of the basics of democracy and the selection process that will allow for delegates to select 20 members from their communities to a new district council. USAID is working to promote ongoing  local governence projects throughout Iraq.
An unidentified Mokhtar from Abu Ghrayek, 1 of 15 subdistricts of the Babel Governate, listen to a description of the basics of democracy and the selection process that will allow for delegates to select 20 members from their communities to a new district council. USAID is working to promote ongoing  local governence projects throughout Iraq.

Transition Initiatives

USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) supports the transition to a participatory, stable, and democratic country. OTI provides quick-dispensing, high-impact grants. OTI’s fast-paced assistance meets critical needs—providing short-term employment, restoring basic government and community services, increasing Iraqi access to information and communication, and encouraging protection of human rights.

This Week's Highlights:

    Workshop held on terrorism in Iraq
  • With the support of a $2,500 grant from the Iraq Transition Initiative (ITI) , one university in southern Iraq recently conducted 16 lectures on democracy and human rights for different sectors of Iraqi society. The lectures highlighted principles of basic human rights, democracy, federalism, elections, and women’s participation in public debate and institutions.
  • ITI has been working with community leaders in south central Iraq to identify issues and build consensus for solving problems. Two projects generated through this process have recently been completed. In the first project, a community of 6,200 people decided that the rehabilitation of a local road and the community water supply network was essential for their health and safety. With a $196,000 grant from ITI, the community repaired two kilometers of road that connects the area to major highways. Under the second project, they improved the water supply system with an ITI grant for $73,275. These projects and others like them are helping local governments learn to respond to citizens’ needs and build trust in the democratic process.
  • A village in northern Iraq recently rehabilitated and equipped the mayor’s office with the assistance of a $55,000 grant from ITI. This project will help the local government meet the needs of the people and enhance good governance practices in a rural area of northern Iraq.
  • An farmer support organization in a northern governorate recently provided furniture and equipment to its local and district offices with the assistance of a $60,000 grant from ITI. Through this grant, ten offices have received basic office equipment and furniture that will build the capacity of the organization and help it to meet the needs of its clients.
  • A sports association in a northern Iraqi village has furnished and equipped its sports club and stadium with the assistance of an ITI grant for $42,100. The facilities are used for recreation by local individuals and teams, and to host competitions with teams from around the country. The grant has provided sports equipment and uniforms, as well as office equipment and furniture to enhance the facility. This project is revitalizing an important part of the community’s infrastructure and demonstrating the Interim Government’s commitment to meeting the needs of citizens throughout the country.

Major Accomplishments to Date:

    Artwork from a USAID funded exhibition in southern Iraq
  • Awarded more than 1,600 small grants totaling more than $121.6 million for quick impact activities that support good governance, civil society, conflict management and mitigation, human rights and transitional justice.
  • Supporting initiatives crucial to the democratic transition, including civic education, civil society and media development, increased women’s participation, conflict mitigation and transitional justice. Groups targeted for assistance include women’s and youth groups, professional associations and human rights organizations.
  • Met critical needs during and immediately after the conflict by providing short-term employment, restoring basic government and community services, increasing Iraqi access to information and communication and encouraging protection of human rights.
  • Funded over 60 grants totaling $3 million that focus on women’s issues, including supporting the establishment of 14 women’s centers in Iraq. Rehabilitated over 264 Iraqi national ministries, schools, clinics and other municipal buildings. Supporting 65 Iraqi groups in documenting human rights abuses of the Ba’athist regime and promoting peace, tolerance, and reconciliation.

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