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Basic Searching
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- Call Number Browse
- Series/Uniform Title
- Author/Creator by Title
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Basic Search offers multiple search methods, as shown in the window below. The * indicates that search limits are available.

Image of the Search Type window

Basic Search Overview

Basic Search offers the largest variety of direct search options in the Library of Congress Online Catalog. In order to use this search most effectively, it is important to be aware of and to understand the differences between each search type available. Brief help information can be found by scrolling down on the page, but more extensive help screens are available for each individual search type and should be consulted as needed:

Title - Author/Creator Browse - Subject Browse - Keyword
Command Keyword - Call Number Browse - LCCN-ISBN-ISSN
Series/Uniform Title Browse - Author/Creator Sorted by Title

  1. Enter one or more search words in the Search Text: box
  2. Select a Search Type: from the window, reflecting the type of search you wish to perform.
  3. Select the number of results per page
  4. Select the Begin Search button to perform the search.

Depending on the type of search you select, your results will be presented as a Headings List (Author/Creator, Subject, Series Uniform Title and Author/Creator Sorted by Title Browse), a Titles List (Title, Call Number, LCCN-ISBN-ISSN and Command Keyword) or a Titles List Keyword (Keyword search only, which includes relevance ranking).

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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September 3, 2003