National Credit Union Administration

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Small Credit Union Program

The NCUA board approved a National Small Credit Union Program (SCUP) in 1999. The purpose of the SCUP is to facilitate the Board's goals of promoting the development of financially healthy small and low-income designated credit unions, and encouraging the formation of newly chartered credit unions. This program was designed to provide assistance to credit unions that fall within the following criteria:

1. credit unions with assets under $5 million;
2. newly chartered credit unions in operation less than 10 years and with assets under $10 million;
3. low income designated credit unions.

Each region has Economic Development and Small Credit Union Specialists that provide specialized assistance to small credit unions. Credit unions that fall within the SCUP criteria (refer to above paragraph) can participate in the program and can contact their regional office to request assistance.

There is no obligation for credit unions to participate in this program, but the program does provide an unique opportunity for those smaller credit unions to obtain advice and/or assistance in areas where they may not have expertise. The regional offices prioritize the on-site SCUP assistance by credit unions’ need. If you want to attend the SCUP workshops or to participate in the regional program for small credit unions, contact your regional office.

Upcoming Regional SCUP events:

Region I - Albany

Region II - Capital

Region IV - Austin

Region V - Tempe