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DLIS Product Demonstrations



Above you will find files you can download and view locally on your PC. These files provide a video image (no sound or captions) so you may get an idea of how these products work. You may then determine if they will help you find the information you need. Refer to the top section of this page for additional information on GUI LOLA - LOLA 97 and LINK (who may use the product and for instructions on how to register). More products will be coming soon.

Instructions for Viewing DLIS Products Demo
Select a demo. You must "Save" the demo before you can view it. At the "Save In" section of the windows screen, press the down arrow button to choose the directory (C:, D:, etc.) you want to save it in. Now double-click on the file you want to put it in. (We suggest that you save it in a Tmp file, but the choice is yours). The "File Name" section of the windows screen should already contain the demo name. Now click on "SAVE".

Open up "Explorer or File Manager" to view the demo. Go to the directory where you saved the demo. Now click on the folder where you saved it, then double-click on the demo file (link, lola97, medals, etc.) It should start playing automatically. A ScreenCam control panel will appear on the screen. The buttons on the panel (left to right) allow you to "Pause/Play, Rewind, Jump to Segments, fast forward and Stop". Just position the mouse pointer over each button to display its function. Close the demo and control panel by clicking on the "X" in the upper right-hand corner of the control panel.

Moving the Control Panel
You can move the control panel anywhere on the screen. Place your mouse pointer on the title bar within the control panel, hold down the left mouse button and drag the panel to the new location.


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Last Updated: Monday, March 01, 2004