Isotope Geochemistry/Geochronology Research and Development - Multiuser New Capabilities


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The isotope geochemistry/geochronology laboratories are critical to the scientific health of Geologic Discipline as well as Bureau Programs, are a venue for developing future multi-disciplinary research, and with full scientific participation in projects, is a cost effective source for projects across virtually all GD programs. In FY01 core Operations and Maintenance costs likely will be funded by other means, and all direct programmatic work including staffing and project specific OE will be requested within approved projects. Given the untenable shortfall in funding experienced in FY00 and the uncertainty in how core funding for these labs would be structured for FY01, it was not possible to submit preproposals at the appropriate time for each of the important topical research and development activities proposed as separate tasks below. These R & D tasks all are small efforts, generally not of full project magnitude, require nominal investment for potentially significant future returns to Programs, Geologic Discipline and to the Bureau, expand our capabilities and skills, and enable the Bureau to be responsive to new and anticipated future opportunities with the necessary skill base and laboratory infrastructure. Each task is targeted to one or more Program, and each should be judged independently on funding merits or priorities. It is hoped that this will be an effective vehicle by which to request Program(s) R & D funding to develop basic capabilities and new methods or science applications. This R & D funding is good business sense; it is necessary to spawn new opportunities and to prepare for future needs. Though many R & D concepts originate with the scientists, important R & D efforts also can be requested by Programs and directed to the appropriate specialist(s).

Project chief:

Gary Landis Box 25046 MS 963 DFC
Denver, CO 80225


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