Joint Financial Management Improvement Program

About the Qualification Test Process

Benefits and Limitations of JFMIP Testing

Core Requirements

Software Qualification Test Materials

Agency Purchase Plans

Summary of Qualified Software (2003 Test)

Archive of Prior Test Materials


Welcome to the Core Financial System Knowledgebase

To assist agencies and vendors in developing and implementing software that meets all mandatory federal financial system requirements, a Program Management Office (PMO) has been established within the Joint Financial Management Improvement Program (JFMIP).  The PMO identifies core requirements, manages the core financial system qualification process, and publishes qualification testing results.

A key resource used by the PMO to disseminate test related information is this Knowledgebase. It is designed to inform and promote discussion about the core financial system requirements. It contains on-line and downloadable information about the software qualification process, core requirements, current available test materials and qualified software packages.

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