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The Wassenaar Arrangement

Reporting Requirements


On July 13, 1996, the United States and thirty-two other countries approved the establishment of the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Control for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. The Wassenaar Arrangement is a multilateral export control arrangement that contributes to regional and international security and stability by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies. On January 15, 1998 the United States published an interim rule implementing the Wassenaar Arrangement's List of Dual-Use Goods and Technologies in to the Commerce Control List (CCL) (Supplement No. 1 to Part 774 of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)). In addition to the CCL changes, new reporting requirements were imposed in Part 743 of the EAR for exports of items on the Wassenaar Arrangement's Sensitive List (Annex 1) when exported under U.S. License Exceptions LVS, GBS, CIV, CTP, TSR and GOV to non-Wassenaar members countries. Exporters are required to submit reports to the Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) on a semiannual basis.



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Post-Export Reports are submitted semi-annually and are due by August 1 for exports shipped January 1 to June 30 and are due by
February 1 for exports shipped July 1 to December 31

Reports must include:

  1. The Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) and paragraph reference;
  2. Number of units in the shipment; and
  3. Country of ultimate destination
    [For computers and electronic assemblies provide the CTP value.]

For more information on reporting requirements, see Section 743.1 of the EAR.

Fillable PDF Forms to assist with semiannual reporting
BIS 742R | BIS 742S



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