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Authorized Headings, References & Scope Notes

From the Headings List, after selecting an icon, you will be linked to an information screen, containing the heading, references, and/or scope notes indicated by the icon you selected.

[Information Screen for the Subject Heading Cats]

From the first information screen, you have the option of selecting a link to the authority record, a scope note and/or narrower terms. The text after the label, INFORMATION FOR: indicates what you searched for.

Authority Record Interim Screen

From the informational screen, you can select the "Authority Record" link and an interim screen will appear:

[Image of the interim screen for the authority heading for cats]

Field: indicates whether the linked heading is a 1XX, 4XX or 5XX.

Select a Link...: displays the heading or reference name and links to the actual authority record for that heading.

Note: Proposed subject headings will appear in the list with the legend [proposed] following the heading.

Scope Note Screen

From the informational screen, you can select "Scope Note" and a screen will display containing the scope note associated with the heading:

Image of the Scope Notes screen

Use the browser's [Back] button to exit help and resume searching.

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June 26, 2002