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A Basic Search - LCCN-ISBN-ISSN retrieves materials by standard numbers.
Image of the Search Type window

Basic Search -

The Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN), International Standard Book Number (ISBN) and International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) can all be used to retrieve unique records from the Library of Congress Online Catalog.

Search limits
are available.
Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) are not availble.

Number Search Examples:

To Search Number Type... Enter Search As...

LCCN 89-456
(numbers assigned before 1/1/2001)

-- When entering LCCNs, always omit the hyphen.
-- If the portion following the hyphen is less than 6 characters, always add leading zeros to make it 6 characters in length.
-- The total length should be 8 characters.
LCCN 2001-1114
(numbers assigned after 1/1/2001)
-- When entering LCCNs, always omit the hyphen.
-- If the portion following the hyphen is less than 6 characters, always add leading zeros to make it 6 characters in length.
-- The total length should be 10 characters.
ISSN 1094-1304
-- Always include the hyphen and do not enclose the search string in quotation marks.
ISBN 0-553-37783-3
-- Always omit all hyphens and spaces.
-- It is not necessary to enclose the search statement in quotation marks.
-- The total length should always be 10 characters.

Search Tips:

  • Searches are automatically truncated and retrieve catalog records that match partial numbers: (8900011 retrieves "89000118", "89000119", etc.). Note that partial numbers take significantly longer to retrieve.
  • Note that the format of the LCCN changed for numbers assigned after January 1, 2001. LCCNs assigned since that date now have a 4 digit year portion (2001) followed by a six digit item number (001114). This number would be searched 2001001114.
    -- Numbers assigned before Jan. 1, 2001, were NOT changed to the new format, and should still be searched in the two digit year, 6 digit item number format (89000456).

Alternative Search Options:

Use Basic Search - Command or Guided Search with the appropriate index codes to search for numbers in combination with other search elements

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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September 3, 2003