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Genomic biology
Bos taurus
Canis familiaris
Danio rerio
Homo sapiens
Mus musculus
Rattus novegicus
Sus scrofa

\"\" UniSTS is a comprehensive database of sequence tagged sites (STSs) derived from STS-based maps and other experiments. STSs are defined by PCR primer pairs and are associated with additional information such as genomic position, genes, and sequences.

blue bulletSummary of Maps in UniSTS

Organism Total Total  
  Map name Map title markers UniSTSs1 Links2
Apis mellifera
Hunt Hunt Honeybee Linkage Map 3_10_04 1,055 38       
Solignac Solignac Genetic Map 1,096 688    MapViewer  
Bos taurus
ILTX-2004 5000 Rad Cattle RH Map - 2004 1,912 1,858  PubMed MapViewer  
MARC MARC Bovine Linkage Map 1,419 1,386  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
Canis familiaris
RHDF5000 Canine 1Mb RH Map 3,092 3,037  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
Danio rerio
GAT Gates Haploid Panel 422 246  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
HS Heat Shock Diploid Cross 6,017 722  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
LN54 Loeb/NIH/5000/4000 4,595 817  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
MGH Boston MGH Cross 3,855 3,425  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
MOP Mother of Pearl 713 347  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
T51 Goodfellow T51 15,306 2,019  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
ZMAP Zebrafish Genome Integrated Map 25,920 5,081    MapViewer LinkOut
Felis catus
Genetic Genetic linkage map of the domestic cat 328 320  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
RH Domestic cat radiation hybrid map 1,126 1,118  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
Gallus gallus
WURC Wageningen University chicken linkage map 2,110 973  PubMed   LinkOut
Homo sapiens
GM99-G3 Human Transcript Map 99 7,056 7,056  PubMed MapViewer  
GM99-GB4 Human Transcript Map 99 45,138 45,138  PubMed MapViewer  
Genethon Genethon Human Linkage Map, 1995 release 5,264 5,264  PubMed MapViewer  
Marshfield Marshfield human genetic map 7,698 7,698  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
NCBI RH Computed integrated panel map 23,727 23,727  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
NHGRI-7 NHGRI chr 7 physical map 2,117 2,117  PubMed   LinkOut
SHGC-G3 Stanford G3 Map 7,198 7,198  PubMed MapViewer  
TNG Stanford TNG RH Map 36,634 36,634  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
WI-RH Whitehead RH Map, July 1997 release 14,658 14,658  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
WI-YAC Whitehead STS Map, July 1997 release 10,469 10,469  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
WUSTL-X WashU Chr. X STS Map 1,664 1,664  PubMed    
deCODE deCODE high resolution genetic map 5,135 5,013  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
Mus musculus
MGI Mouse Genome Database genetic map 15,540 15,540    MapViewer LinkOut
WI-Genetic Whitehead Mouse Genetic Map 6,536 6,536  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
WI-YAC Whitehead Mouse YAC Map 7,578 7,578  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
WI/MRC RH Whitehead-MRC RH Mouse Map v12 14,158 14,158  PubMed   LinkOut
Ovis aries
CAB CAB Ovine Linkage Map 883 883  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
SM4.2 SheepMap v4.2 linkage map 1,265 1,110  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
Plasmodium falciparum
NIAID NIAID Genetic Map 846 846  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
Rattus norvegicus
FHH x ACI.7 Rat FHH x ACI F2 intercross genetic map 686 684  PubMed MapViewer  
RH map.3.4 Rat radiation hybrid map 24,328 24,327  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
SHRSP x BN.7 Rat SHRSP x BN F2 intercross genetic map 2,025 2,021  PubMed MapViewer  
Sus scrofa
MARC MARC Porcine Linkage Map 1,283 1,283  PubMed MapViewer LinkOut
1Among markers mapped in the map, a subset of markers that are STSs and with available primer sequences were imported to UniSTS.
2 PubMed PubMed, MapViewer MapViewer, LinkOut data source.
Last Updated October 14, 2004

blue bulletData Sources
\"\" In addition to submitted maps, UniSTS data has been obtained from the following sources.

GenBank STS division (dbSTS)
Radiation Hybrid Database (RHdb)
Genome Database (GDB)
Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI)
Rat Genome Database (RGD)
Zebrafish Information Network (ZFIN)
PubMed Central
Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)