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Search History

Select the [Search History]button from the top button bar to view a table of previous searches (at least one search must be completed for the button to be active). Search History allows the user to re-execute or edit any previous search performed in the current session.

The Search History display has four columns:

[Image of the Search History Display]

  • Select to Edit - searches are listed in the order entered, most recent first; select a number to edit search terms, reset options, etc.
  • Hits - always says Index Browse. These searches are set to "browse" the catalog, rather than return a distinct set of records that match the search.
  • Type of Search - the search method used (e.g., Subject Authority Headings, Name Authority Headings, etc.) shown as a hypertext link; select to re-execute the search
  • Search Query - the word or phrase searched shown as a hypertext link; select to re-execute the search

Search History Tips:

  • Select the hyperlinked text in the Type of Search or Search Query columns to re-execute the search.
  • Select the number in the Select to Edit column to edit the search on the search method screen originally used.
  • Select [Start Over Button], located on button bar at the top of the screen, to clear the Search History. In addition, if the session times out, the Search History will also be cleared.
  • Select [New Search Button] to search again without clearing the Search History.

Use the browser's [Back] button to exit help and resume searching.

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June 27, 2002