Library of Congress Online Catalog: Help Pages

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Titles List (Keyword)
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A Titles List (Keyword) shows results from a Keyword search.

Titles List (Keyword)

Each row of the display includes a brief description for a single title in the Library of Congress Online Catalog.Records in the Titles List (Keyword) are sorted by relevance

Titles List (Keyword) has 6 columns:

Image of a Keyword Title Display

Parts of This Display: 

  • Previous and Next icons display search results before and after the current screen full; numbers allow you to jump to different parts of the record sequence.
  • Resort results by: allows for reordering of the results set by Date (ascending or descending), Title (ascending) and Author (ascending).
  • Add Limits to Search Results is for applying limits (by date, format, language, etc.) to the current results set. See: Limits Help Screen for more information.
  • # is a temporary sequential number for the catalog record; checkbox is used to select records for printing, saving, or emailing. Select the link in this column to see the record for each title!
  • Relevance indicates the relevance of the record to the search entered (5 stars=most relevant, 1/2 star=least relevant )
  • Name: Main Author, Creator, etc. displays the main author/creator of the title.
  • Full Title displays the full title of the work. Select the link in this column to see the record for each title!
  • Date displays the date of publication/creation
  • Electronic Resource Available icon is present in the right-most column to indicated the presence of a URL link in the bibliographic record.
  • Holdings information:
    • ACCESS indicates the Library reading room where the material may be requested.
    • CALL NUMBER is used to identify and request the material.
  • Clear Marked Records and Retain Marked Records

Lower Section

Contains tools for outputting records to disk, to a printer, or by electronic mail. There is also a tool that allows you to edit your search terms, select a new type, and execute a revised search.

Image of the Lower Section of the Titles List  display

Parts of this display:

  • Save, Print, and Email:
    Below the Titles List upper section display, a table displays with options for output. For more information consult the help screen for Print, Save, and Email.
  • Revise Search box - edit/revise search terms for a new search
  • Select Type box - select an index for a new search
  • Search button - execute a new or revised search.
  • Entries in the Titles List (Keyword) are normally sorted first by Author/Creator, then by Full Title, then by Date (in descending order); however, it is possible to resort the list multiple times using the drop-down menu.

  • If there are more titles than will display on the screen, the next group of titles can be displayed by selecting the Next Page icon. Return to the previous group of titles by selecting the Previous Page icon.

  • Display any single catalog record from the Titles List (Keyword) on the screen, by selecting the link on the record #, or on the Full Title.

  • After displaying a single catalog record for the title, return to the Titles List (Keyword) by selecting Titles List from the button bar displayed at the top of the screen.

  • Catalog records from the Titles List (Keyword) can be printed, saved or emailed. Go to the Print, Save, or Email help screen for more information.

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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Library of Congress Online Catalog
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September 3, 2003