Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), a government owned facility operated by the University of Chicago for the Department of Energy (DOE). TD focuses on R&D in nuclear-related technologies, including nonproliferation (RERTR), environmental remediation (Decontamination & Decommissioning), fusion power, and new initiatives in a variety of promising technologies (lasers, robotics, advanced computing, aerosols).
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December 6, 2002 TD News Archive

Argonne's compact neutron detector is in the news

Argonne's Ray Klann, co-developer of the compact neutron detector, was featured in a live interview on MSNBC last week, and his work was also spotlighted on CNN's "Inspector Gadget" program. In both cases, Argonne's homeland security role was prominently mentioned. Ray Klann's work was also a story in Electronic Engineering Times.

The portable detector, developed by the Technology Development Division, could assist inspectors charged with preventing the unauthorized use of nuclear materials. The heart of the device is a 1-mm wafer of gallium arsenide (GaAs), a semiconductor similar to silicon. When coated with boron or lithium, GaAs can detect neutrons, such as those emitted by fissile materials that fuel nuclear weapons. Since the detectors are portable and are powered by less than 50 volts, they also can be used by weapons inspectors to monitor nuclear facilities.


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ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
Operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy


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