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CARRA - Consumer Advocates in Research and Related Activities
A program of NCI's Liaison Activities Branch
Liaison Activities
CARRA Home Page
Frequently Asked Questions

CARRA Member Information

CARRA members play an important role at NCI. As a CARRA member, you have the opportunity to

  • Participate in CARRA activities

  • Provide input to NCI based on communications with your group or constituency

  • Educate your group and the public about the work of NCI

  • Make an impact at NCI

This section answers the following questions:

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NCI Conducts Peer Review Training for Advocates

NCI CARRA New Member Selection Process

A CARRA Member Interview: The Grant Review Process


What Is the CARRA Program?

What Activities Are CARRA Members Asked to Participate In?

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How Is NCI Organized?

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