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CARRA - Consumer Advocates in Research and Related Activities
A program of NCI's Liaison Activities Branch
Liaison Activities
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Frequently Asked Questions

Providing Feedback

Evaluation and refinement of the CARRA program are critical for the program's success. CARRA members, NCI staff, and the scientists and experts participating in CARRA activities are all considered partners in ensuring the success of the CARRA program.

It is important to provide all feedback, even negative feedback, to NCI. If you have had a negative experience in a CARRA activity or the CARRA member program in general, chances are someone else has had a similar experience as well. These experiences are often particularly helpful in addressing program shortcomings and defining new approaches.

All feedback provided to NCI is confidential.

How to Provide Feedback

NCI periodically gathers feedback from CARRA members on their experience and involvement in a CARRA activity and the CARRA program in general, including orientation.

To provide feedback about your experience as a CARRA member involved in a CARRA activity, please complete the form below.






Type of Activity




(1,950 character limit.)




Thank you for providing your feedback about your participation in a CARRA activity.

Your comments and suggestions are important to us and will be used to help determine the future needs and improve the quality of the CARRA program.

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How Feedback Modifies the CARRA Program

NCI uses your feedback about CARRA member involvement in CARRA activities to

  • Inform future orientations

  • Assist Mentors to provide support to CARRA members

  • Identify specific problems that need to be addressed.

The NCI Office of Liaison Activities and NCI Director's Consumer Liaison Group review and summarize CARRA program feedback, and use them to discuss program weaknesses and identify modifications to address them.

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NCI Conducts Peer Review Training for Advocates

NCI CARRA New Member Selection Process

A CARRA Member Interview: The Grant Review Process


What Is the CARRA Program?

What Activities Are CARRA Members Asked to Participate In?

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