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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services

Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities Program

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Renewal Community and Empowerment Zone Applicants

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is pleased to offer support and assistance to localities for adding a human services and welfare-to-work perspective to their Empowerment Zone (EZ) or Renewal Community (RC) applications.

The EZ and RC programs are good opportunities for collaborative work involving economic development agencies and human services organizations, particularly agencies that administer the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. We encourage local leaders to use the EZ and RC planning process to reach out to human services agencies, work with them to create strategies for enhancing services for needy residents, and incorporate those strategies into their EZ strategic plans and RC course of action documents.

Why Plan to Enhance Services for Needy Residents?

The best EZ and RC economic development plans will feature a strong commitment to supportive services that help neighborhood residents become economically independent. Simply put, services like accessible and affordable child care, after-school activities for youth, family support and health care are necessary components of truly comprehensive business development strategies. These services are critical for residents. They are also vitally important to the long-term success of local businesses.

Many families who live in neighborhoods that are eligible for EZ or RC designation are struggling to enter the workforce. Often, those with jobs earn very little -- in fact, many have incomes too low or too erratic to escape poverty. These residents rely on the availability of a number of key services to help them raise their families and become productive members of their local workforce. Clearly, many need a "hand up" to succeed.

Supportive services for residents are also important to neighborhood businesses. The availability of high quality services for low-wage employees has a significant effect on business' bottom-line success. Emerging and new businesses -- including ones that will expand into EZ and RC neighborhoods -- demand well-trained, skilled and dependable employees. Businesses depend on the local human service and workforce development systems to ensure that employees have skills needed to do their jobs and to do them well. Employers also count on human services providers to help employees cope with family obligations while fulfilling their job responsibilities.

The TANF Program

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program is the federal government's principal source of funding for assisting needy families. This year, HHS will grant States more than $14 billion for TANF program activities.

State governments have enormous flexibility in their uses of the TANF resources. Many of them are using TANF funds to support innovative employment and training strategies and to provide community-based supportive services that enable residents to get a job, keep a job and improve their economic circumstances. In addition, many States are using TANF resources to fill gaps in local service delivery systems and coordinate, supplement and enhance services for low-income residents. States may adjust how they administer their TANF funded programs in order to support community-based iniatives like the comprehensive renewal activities that accompany an EZ or RC designation.

Local renewal strategies should include a commitment to enhance supportive services for residents. Such a commitment will help ensure that residents benefit directly from the improved business environment in their neighborhood. It will also help increase the likelihood that economic revitalization can be sustained for the longterm.

Steps for EZ and RC Applicant Localities

Here are some stategies that local economic development agencies can use to add human services and welfare-to-work dimensions to their EZ or RC applications:

HHS Resources for Applicant Localities

Staff Assistance


Web Site

Additional Resources

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If you have questions or comments, please e-mail James Gatz of the Office of Community Services.
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