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Library of Congress Authorities Help Pages: use the browser's back button to  resurme searching

MARC Display

The MARC Display, which is the default display for the Library of Congress Authorities, includes all of the data elements with field tags and content designation specified by the MARC 21 format, a communications standard that enables exchange of bibliographic, holdings, and other data among electronic systems. The leader is displayed; the directory is not displayed. More information about the format of MARC 21 authority records can be found in the MARC 21 Concise Format for Authority Data. Consult the Labelled Display for an alternate display of the information.

[Image of a portion of the MARC display]

Navigation Icons

[Image of the navigation bar for individual records

Use the previous and next buttons (as show in the graphic above) to move forward or back through the individual authority records that matched your search.

  • Select the MARC Display tab to view the MARC record with tags
  • Select the Labelled Display tab to display the authority record with labels

Print, Save and Email

Below the display of the authority record information, a table displays with options for output. For more information consult the help screen for Print, Save and Email.

Use the browser's [Back] button to exit help and resume searching.

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July 9, 2002