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GovBenefits.gov - Your Benefits Connection
GovBenefits.gov - Your Benefits Connection Group of potential benefit recipients
This link displays the GovBenefits.gov About page This link displays the GovBenefits.gov Spanish page This link displays the GovBenefits.gov FAQs page This link displays the GovBenefits.gov Press Room page This link displays the GovBenefits.gov Contact us page
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This link displays the GovBenefits.gov Federal Benefits page
This link displays the GovBenefits.gov State Benefits page
This link displays the GovBenefits.gov Other Resources page
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Below you will find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about benefits and about GovBenefits.gov. If you don't find the information you need, you can do a keyword search, click on specific benefit programs for detailed information and links, or contact us.

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How do I use GovBenefits.gov?
Why do I get an error message when I return to a bookmarked questionnaire or benefits list?

GovBenefits.gov does not store any information you provide. To find the information you are looking for, you can either start the questionnaire process again from the homepage or enter key words into the Search text box on the left hand side of the page.

For more information on the GovBenefits.gov privacy policy, please visit the Privacy and Security Statement page.

When I select "Answer More Questions" in the questionnaire, why am I not taken to the next screen?

Either your browser does not support JavaScript or JavaScript is disabled in your browser.

1. Steps to enable JavaScript in the Internet Explorer browser: To enable JavaScript, choose Tools then Internet Options. Click on the Security tab. Choose Internet as the zone for which you want to change security and then click on Custom level. The options for enabling JavaScript will be near the end of the long list of options that appear within a section called Scripting. Ensure that 'Enable' is selected under the subsection called Active Scripting.

2. Steps to enable JavaScript in the Netscape browser: Select Edit then Preferences. Expand the arrow next to Advanced. Click Scripts & Plugins. Ensure 'Navigator' beneath 'Enable Javascript for' is checked. Click OK. Select the browser option to Reload in order to refresh your screen.

Why do Press Releases look different when I print them out?

Several pages on the GovBenefits.gov site, including Press Releases, GovBenefits.gov Overview, Quotes and Awards, and About the Management Team, offer the option to "View Print Friendly Version". If you select that option, the text will appear as it does on the website, without the top and left areas.

What browser should I use to view GovBenefits.gov?

GovBenefits.gov is best viewed with Internet Explorer, Version 5.5 and higher. Go to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/downloads/default.asp and follow the instructions to download the browser for free.

Netscape users can access GovBenefits.gov with Version 7.0 and higher.

How can I change the font size on the GovBenefits.gov website?

For Internet Explorer: Go to the Tools menu and click on Internet Options. On the General tab, click Accessibility. Change the font size and color as needed.

For Netscape: Go to the Edit menu and click on Preferences. Select Appearance from the Category list and adjust the font size and color as needed.

How can I navigate the GovBenefits.gov website without using a mouse?

For Internet Explorer: You can navigate the GovBenefits.gov website by using the arrow and tab keys to move your cursor. To make a selection, click Enter.

For Netscape: You can navigate the GovBenefits.gov website by using the arrow and tab keys to move your cursor. To make a selection, click the spacebar.

How does the search work?

The search function finds benefit programs based on the words or phrases you enter into the search text box. There are three methods for searching the GovBenefits.gov website:

  • To find a program using a phrase, enter the phrase in quotes:
    "Mortgage Insurance"
    This will return all benefit programs containing the phrase "Mortgage Insurance" in either the title or the description.
  • To find a program containing two or more specified words, enter each of the words preceded by a plus:
    +Home +Insurance
    This will return all programs containing both the words "home" and "insurance" in either the title or the description.
  • To find a program containing any one of a number of words, enter each word with a space between each:
    Home Flood
    This will return all programs containing either the word "home" or "flood" in either the title or the description.
Phrases and words can be combined, for example: "Flood Insurance" +Home or "Flood Insurance" home. Combining ands (+) and ors (no sign) is not supported and will produce unanticipated results.

When I am on the GovBenefits.gov Spanish site, what happens when I click the English link?

When you click on the English link you will be taken to the GovBenefits.gov English language homepage.

When I am on the GovBenefits.gov English site, what happens when I click on the Spanish link to the GovBenefits.gov site?

When you click on the Spanish link you will be taken to the GovBenefits.gov Spanish language homepage.

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What is GovBenefits.gov?
What is GovBenefits.gov?

GovBenefits.gov is a screening tool to help you find government benefits that you may be eligible to receive.

GovBenefits.gov does not offer application services for benefits and cannot guarantee eligibility for specific programs. In addition, GovBenefits.gov is not designed to be a comprehensive listing of all programs for which someone is eligible. Its purpose is to give you a list of benefits you may be eligible to receive and then to provide information about how to apply for those programs.

What types of programs are included in GovBenefits.gov?

GovBenefits.gov provides information about benefit programs that benefit individuals and have eligibility rules. Types of programs include:

Federal - Federally funded and administered.

2.) State - Federally and/or State funded, State administered.

To determine your eligibility for benefit programs, go to the GovBenefits.gov homepage.

What agencies are participating in GovBenefits.gov?

GovBenefits.gov is a partnership of many Federal agencies and organizations with a shared vision - to provide improved, personalized access to government assistance programs. Reference the participating agencies.

How often should I use GovBenefits.gov?

GovBenefits.gov is free, so try it as often as you like. We recommend that you visit GovBenefits.gov as time passes or after major life events. New benefit program eligibility criteria, entirely new benefit programs, and/or your own life changes might result in your potential eligibility for benefit programs that you might otherwise have missed.

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How do I find out what benefits I'm eligible for?
How does GovBenefits.gov screen the benefits I may be able to receive?

GovBenefits.gov will ask several broad questions about your personal situation. These questions will become more specific as the system narrows the list of possible benefit programs you may be eligible to receive. GovBenefits.gov is completely confidential and will not ask any information that could be used to identify you (i.e., name, address, phone number, Social Security number, etc.)

What if I am helping someone else?

If you are answering these questions on behalf of someone else (including a child), the term "you" applies to that person. Answer the questions as they apply to the person you are helping.

How much time will it take to answer all the questions?

Depending on your personal situation, please allow 5 to 15 minutes to answer all the questions. The more benefits you may be eligible to receive, the more questions you are likely to be asked.

Do I have to answer all the questions?

GovBenefits.gov recommends that you answer all of the questions presented. Answering all the questions increases the accuracy of the assessment of your eligibility for government assistance.

What if I am looking for a specific benefit program?

If you would like to learn more about a specific benefit - program, the easiest way to find that information is to use the search tool on the left frame. Simply enter the benefit program name or keywords, and the system will return a list of all the GovBenefits.gov programs that apply to your search criteria.

The search tool does not address whether you might be eligible to receive benefit programs. To find a list of programs that you may be eligible to receive you must complete the GovBenefits.gov screening process that begins on the
Home page.

Where can I go to get more information on benefits?

Useful web sites providing additional information can be found in Other Resources. Most states' web sites include information on state and local benefit programs. Also, BenefitsCheckUp, a free, confidential service for people 55 and older, tells people about the federal, state and other benefits for which they qualify as well as where and how to apply.

What if I want to apply for a benefit program?

You cannot apply for a specific benefit program directly through GovBenefits.gov. Refer to the contact information provided for each program to determine the appropriate next step.

Where did my benefit program go?

Funding for benefit programs is based on the President's budget proposals and Congressional legislation. As laws change, new legislation is passed, or the time limits for certain programs are reached, benefit programs may be affected. Eligibility requirements may change or the entire program may be eliminated. Therefore, a benefit program that may have once been suggested may no longer be available.

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