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Examples and Explanation

Keyword Anywhere (GKEY)

Searches for words or phrases anywhere in the catalog record.

Search: cicada [ all of these ]
As: Keyword Anywhere (GKEY)
Retrieves: catalog records with the word cicada in the title, a note, a personal or group name, a subject term, etc.
(Authors, Creators, Individuals or Organizations as subjects, etc.)
Name: All (KNAM)

Searches for material by and about persons and corporate bodies in the personal and corporate author/creator, subject, series, and other editions/versions fields.

Search: shakespeare [ all of these ]
As: Name: All (KNAM)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials by and about persons and corporate bodies with the name shakespeare, such as "William Shakespeare" and the "Shakespeare Theatre."
Name: Personal (KPNC)

Searches for library materials created by individuals.

Search: shakespeare [ all of these ]
As: Name: Personal (KPNC)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials created by persons with the name shakespeare, such as "William Shakespeare" or "Mary Shakespeare."
Name: Corporate/Meeting (KCNC)

Searches for library materials created by corporate groups or meetings.

Search: shakespeare [ all of these ]
As: Name: Corporate/Meeting (KCNC)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials created by corporate bodies or meetings containing the word shakespeare, such as "Shakespeare Society" or "Shakespeare Seminar."
Subject: All (KSUB)

Searches for words or phrases in both "established" (i.e., authorized) and "uncontrolled" subject fields, as well as summary, biographical, geographical notes, and place name fields.

Search: new york [ as a phrase ]
As: Subject: All (KSUB)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials
  • about the city and state of New York
  • about groups that have the phrase new york in their name (e.g., New York Chamber of Commerce)
  • in which new york appears in a note (e.g., "director of New York Philharmonic discusses aspects of contemporary music")
Subject: Authorized (SKEY)

Searches for words or phrases contained only in established or "authorized" subject fields assigned to the work at the time of cataloging.

Search: saint louis [ As a phrase ]
As: Subject: Authorized (SKEY)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials
  • about cities or counties named "Saint Louis"
  • about groups that have the phrase "saint louis" in their name (e.g, Saint Louis Railroad)

Catalog records are not retrieved for abbreviated or variant forms of either word. For example, most records referring to the St. Louis Cardinals Baseball team would not be retrieved because the authorized subject term is "St. Louis Cardinals (Baseball team)," not "Saint Louis Cardinals (Baseball team)."

Subject: Geographic Names Only (KSGE)

Searches for geographic names in subject and place name fields or subfields.

Search: saint louis [ as a phrase ]
As: Subject: Geographic Names Only (KSGE)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials with subject headings relating to cities and counties with the exact phrase saint louis in their name, such as:
  • Drinking water--Senegal--Saint-Louis
  • American wit and humor--Missouri--Saint Louis
Title: All (KTIL)

Searches for words or phrases in all title fields, including serial and series titles, subjects about titles, and titles included as parts of other fields; represents the most comprehensive way to search for titles.

Search: canterbury tales [ as a phrase ]
As: Title: All (KTIL)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials having the phrase canterbury tales in the title, including texts of the Canterbury Tales, literary criticism about the Canterbury Tales, and recordings of selections from the Canterbury Tales.
Title: Uniform (KTUT)

Searches for words or phrases in uniform title fields (i.e., fields containing a standardized form of a title which may appear in many different ways on the actual works); certain formats, such as music, commonly employ standardized uniform titles.

Example #1:
To search for different versions of "Mother Goose":
Search: mother goose [ as a phrase ]
As: Title: Uniform (KTUT)
Retrieves: catalog records for material with titles such as "My first Mother Goose book", "Kate Greenaway's Mother Goose" and "Humpty Dumpty and other favorites."
Example #2:
To search for recordings of the sonatas of Beethoven, use Search Limits to restrict the Type of Material to "Music sound recording".

Search: sonatas [ all of these ]
As: Title: Uniform (KTUT)

Select: [ AND with next set]

Search: beethoven [ all of these ]
As: Name: Personal Name (KPNC)

Retrieves: catalog records for recordings with titles such as Favorite Beethoven sonatas, Deux sonates pour le piano forte, and Beethoven piano sonatas..
Series (KSER)

Searches for the words or phrases in the any series title field

To search for the Oxford Bible Series:
Search: oxford bible [ as a phrase ]
As: Series (KSER)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials that are part of the Oxford Bible Series
Notes (KNOT)

Searches for words or phrases included in any note field.

* Note fields may contain a wide variety of information including frequency; physical characteristics; arrangement; relation to other works; content of items; restrictions on access; credits to persons participating in the creation of the work; indexing; or bibliographies.

Search: shakespeare [ all of these ]
As: Notes (KNOT)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials with notes giving such information as:
  • Contents: "Janet Adelman -- Shakespeare's ghost writers"
  • Bibliography/Supplemental material: "Classified Shakespeare bibliography ...v. 3-"
  • Performers: "Members of The Royal Shakespeare Company"
  • Relationship to other works: "Adapted from plays by .. Shakespeare"
  • Additional information: "Includes a timeline that parallels events in Shakespeare's life with world events"
Contents Notes (KCON)

Searches for words or phrases only in the Contents Note.

Search: saint louis blues [ as a phrase ]
As: Contents Notes (KCON)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials about the composer of the Saint Louis Blues or sound recordings of the Saint Louis Blues.
Credit/Performer Notes (KPRF)

Searches for words or an exact phrase in special notes fields for credit/performer information.

Note: Do not invert the word order of a personal name. Search as firstname lastname or however the name normally appears.

Search: danny kaye [ as a phrase ]
As: Credit/Performer Notes (KPRF)
Retrieves: catalog records for sound recordings or moving pictures in which a person with the name danny kaye has performed.
Publication Information: (KPUB)

Searches for words, phrases or dates in the publisher's name, place, or publication date fields.

To search for works published by Oxford University Press:
Search: oxford university [ as a phrase ]
As: Publication Information: (KPUB)
Retrieves: catalog records for materials having the publisher cataloged as "Oxford University Press" or as "Oxford University Pr."

Searches for Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCN), International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) or International Standard Serial Numbers (ISSN).

Library of Congress Control Numbers

* When entering an LCCN, always omit the hyphen; if the portion of the LCCN following hyphen is less than 6 characters, always add leading zeros to that portion of the number.

International Standard Book Numbers

* Hyphens MUST NOT be included in ISBN search statements.

** Because ISBN numbers are included in LC catalog records only if they are available to the cataloger at the time of cataloging, try another search method if the search is unsuccessful.

International Standard Serial Numbers

* Hyphens MUST be included in ISSN search statements.

** Because ISSN numbers are included in LC catalog records only if they are available to the cataloger at the time of cataloging, try another search method if the search is unsuccessful.

LCCN Example #1:
To search for LCCN 90-83066:
Search: 90083066 [ all of these ]

Retrieves: the catalog record for "Latin America in perspective" (LCCN 90-83066).
LCCN Example #2:
To search for LCCN 98-6:
Search: 98000006 [ all of these ]

Retrieves: the catalog record for "The Pilot of the Mayflower" (LCCN 98-6).
LCCN Example #3:
To search for LCCN agr65-273:
Search: agr65000273 [ all of these ]

Retrieves: the catalog record for "Silvics of forest trees of the United States" (LCCN agr65-273).
ISBN Example:
To search for the catalog record for the book having ISBN 0-8211-1509-x:
Search: 082111509x [ all of these ]

Retrieves: the catalog record for "Curriculum and the cultural revolution" (ISBN 0-8211-1509-x).
ISSN Example:
To search for the catalog record for the serial having ISSN 0192-3757:
Search: 0192-3757 [ all of these ]

Retrieves: the catalog record for the journal, "Black Collegian" (ISSN 0192-3757).

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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September 3, 2003