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CARRA - Consumer Advocates in Research and Related Activities
A program of NCI's Liaison Activities Branch
Liaison Activities
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Frequently Asked Questions

About NCI

What Is NCI?

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is the Federal Government's primary agency for conducting our Nation's cancer research efforts. For cancer research across the United States and around the world, NCI provides

  • Vision

  • Leadership

  • Funding

NCI is the largest Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which is the primary biomedical research arm of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

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How Does NCI Work?

With a budget of over $4 billion, NCI

  • Conducts, coordinates, and funds cancer research

  • Provides vision and leadership for the cancer research community

  • Serves as an important and credible source of information about

    • Cancer

    • Emerging scientific and clinical discoveries that are leading to declines in cancer incidence and mortality for the first time in this century

What Kind of Research Does NCI Conduct or Fund?

The table below describes the two major types of research conducted or funded by NCI.




  • Takes place at NCI in Bethesda, MD

  • Constitutes some of the research funded


  • Takes place away from NCI, at locations across the Nation

  • Constitutes most of the research funded

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What Are Extraordinary Opportunities in Cancer Research?

Extraordinary Opportunities research represents areas of science that hold tremendous promise for

  • Creating important new knowledge about cancer

  • Dramatically advancing our progress toward reducing the human burden of the disease

Extraordinary Opportunity


Current Cancer Communications Research Initiatives

Research initiatives in this area include

  • Health Communication Intervention Research Program

  • Tailored Print Strategies for Minority Colorectal Cancer Screening

  • Communicating Genetic Test Results to the Family

  • Innovative Nutrition Communications Interventions for Latinos

  • Tailored Print/Telephone Strategies for Colorectal Cancer Prevention

  • Cultural Tailoring for Cancer Screening and Prevention for Black Women

  • Web-Based Nutrition Education for Multicultural Adults

  • Computerized Symptom Report for Cancer Patients

Digital Divide Pilot Projects

These projects are an effort of NCI's Cancer Information Service (CIS) to work with regional cancer control groups and organizations to test strategies aimed at increasing cancer communications in underserved communities. These awards are intended to help develop research and programs to understand and eventually breach the Digital Divide that exists among many minority populations in accessing and utilizing cancer information on the Internet.


Reference: For more information on the organization of NCI, refer to the NCI Organizational Chart.

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How Is NCI Organized?

NCI is organized into

Office of the Director (OD)

The Office of the Director

  • Serves as the focal point for the National Cancer Program

  • Develops a National Cancer Plan and monitors implementation of the plan

  • Directs and coordinates NCI's programs and activities, and

  • Develops and provides policy guidance and staff direction to NCI's programs in areas such as:

    • Program coordination

    • Program planning

    • Clinical care

    • Administrative management

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Center for Cancer Research (CCR)

The Center for Cancer Research on the NCI campus

  • Conducts basic and clinical research on cancer cell biology

  • Trains young investigators

  • Provides

    • Patient care

    • Treatment

    • Education

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Six Divisions of NCI

The table below describes the six Divisions of NCI.

The Division of …

Is responsible for …

Cancer Biology (DCB)

  • Managing a grant- and contract-supported program of basic and applied research on cancer cell biology, including research on

  • Carcinogenesis

  • Cancer immunology

In addition to the investigation of basic cellular mechanisms, the research includes examination of the

  • Role of biological, chemical, and physical agents in the initiation, promotion, or inhibition of cancer

  • Biological and health effects of radiation exposure.

Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS)

  • Enhancing the quality of life for survivors

  • Working to reduce

    • Risk

    • Incidence

    • Cancer deaths

  • Conducting and supporting programs through integrating the following types of research

    • Cancer genetics

    • Epidemiology

    • Behavioral science

    • Social science

    • Surveillance

Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG)

Developing statistics and methods

  • Conducting population-based research on environmental and genetic determinants of cancer, such as

    • Genetic predisposition

    • Lifestyle factors

    • Environmental contaminants

    • Occupational exposures

    • Medications

    • Radiation and infectious agents

Cancer Prevention (DCP)

  • Planning and directing extramural research

  • Developing and supporting training and career development related to cancer prevention research

  • Conducting community-based clinical research

  • Disseminating cancer treatment practice through a consortium of community clinical centers

Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD)


  • Discovering better ways to detect, assess, cure, and control cancer

  • Planning, directing, and coordinating research in

    • Biomedical imaging

    • Cancer diagnosis

    • Cancer therapy evaluation

    • Developmental therapeutics

    • Radiation

    • Biometrics

Extramural Activities (DEA)


  • Coordinating the scientific review of extramural research before funding

  • Providing systematic surveillance after awards are made

  • Serving as an information resource about NCI's peer review and grants policies

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NCI Conducts Peer Review Training for Advocates

NCI CARRA New Member Selection Process

A CARRA Member Interview: The Grant Review Process


What Is the CARRA Program?

What Activities Are CARRA Members Asked to Participate In?

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What is NCI?

How does NCI work?

How Is NCI Organized?

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