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IMLS spacer image used to assist interface Institute of Museum and Library Services Contact
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About IMLS
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Apply For Grants and Awards
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Publications, Conferences and Resources
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A Closer Look
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Who Are We

Director's Message

Frequently Asked Questions

Museum and Library Services Act of 1996

Members of the National Museum Services Board

Employment Opportunities

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Frequently Asked Questions About IMLS

1. What is the Institute of Museum and Library Services?
2. Is IMLS a federal agency?
3. What does IMLS funding do?
4. How many grants does IMLS award each year?
5. Who is eligible to apply for IMLS awards?
6. How are grants made?
7. Why the link between museums and libraries?
8. How does IMLS provide leadership?
9. What other information is available from IMLS?
10. Can IMLS help start a museum?
11. Can I apply for funds to expand, renovate or build a library or museum?
12. How are reviewers selected?
13. Who works for IMLS and how is the agency organized?

What is the Institute of Museum and Library Services?spacer image used to assist interface
IMLS is an independent Federal agency that fosters leadership, innovation, and a lifetime of learning by supporting the nation's museums and libraries. Created by the Museum and Library Services Act of 1996, P.L. 104-208, IMLS administers the Library Services and Technology Act and the Museum Services Act. IMLS has an annual budget of approximately $262 million. The Institute receives policy advice from the Presidentially appointed, Senate confirmed National Museum and Library Services Board. For more information, including grant applications, contact IMLS at 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C., 20506; 202-606-8536; or

Is IMLS a federal agency?spacer image used to assist interface
Yes, the Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent federal agency of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government.

The U.S. Congress appropriates the funding for IMLS. For Fiscal Year 2004 the IMLS budget is $262,240,000 which includes $198.2 million for library services and $31.4 million for museum services (the budget also includes $32.6 million in congressionally directed grants).

What does IMLS funding do?spacer image used to assist interface
IMLS invests federal funding in museums and libraries to enhance their unique resources and ensure broad community access to these vital educational institutions.

IMLS provides funding to all types of libraries to improve access to information through technology, to ensure equity of access, and to help bring resources to underserved audiences. The Institute of Museum and Library Services administers five grant programs for libraries (grants to State Library Agencies, Native American Library Services, Native Hawaiian Library Services, Librarians for the 21st Century, and National Leadership Grants for Libraries).

IMLS grants for museums help strengthen operations, improve care of collections, increase professional development, and enhance community service. Museums of all types and sizes receive IMLS funding through five grant programs for museums (Museums for America, Museum Assessment Program, Conservation Project Support, Conservation Assessment Program, and National Leadership Grants for Museums).

IMLS also supports projects for partnerships between museums and libraries and other community organizations.

How many grants does IMLS award each year?spacer image used to assist interface
The number and amount of grants awarded by IMLS varies from year to year. In 2003, 947 awards amounting to $201.5 million were made to museums and libraries, including $150,424,180 awarded in 57 grants to the State Library Agencies of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. territories.

In all, funding for grants make up 97% of the budget of IMLS. Less than 3% is spent on the administration of grants and other agency costs.

Who is eligible to apply for IMLS awards?spacer image used to assist interface
IMLS makes awards to a wide array of museums, libraries, archives, historical societies, and institutions of higher education, whether public or private nonprofit. Museums and libraries need not be accredited to receive an IMLS award. IMLS does not provide grants to federally operated institutions. Non-US institutions may be partners or subcontractors with eligible US institutions but may not be the applicant organization.

All sizes and types of museums, from art to zoo, and all types of libraries, whether archives, public or research, are eligible for funding. All institutions of higher education are also eligible. There are additional eligibility requirements for museums and for libraries, which may vary from program to program.

How are grants made?spacer image used to assist interface
Information about each of the IMLS grant programs is available at and by contacting IMLS at By reviewing this information, applicants can determine which program best fits their needs and find out the program deadline for applying.

For all of the grant programs, except the State Library Grant Program, the application process begins with the IMLS application guidelines. The guidelines are typically available three months prior to the deadlines. To be put on the mailing list for guidelines, applicants may e-mail IMLS at or call or write the Office of Museum Services or the Office of Library Services. Applicants can also review the guidelines on the IMLS Web site or download them in pdf format from the Web site for completion.

IMLS staff reviews the applications for completeness and eligibility, and, for most programs, the applications then go through an independent peer review process. Applications are sent to reviewers selected for their professional background and who have been specially trained to score and comment on the applications. The applications may then undergo a review by a panel of museum or library professionals.

Awards are announced to recipients on the IMLS Web site and by letter, to the news media by news release, and to members of Congress through mailings and meetings. Each program has its own deadline and announcement schedule.

Information about the application process for the Library Grants to States Program can be obtained from the appropriate state library agency .

Why the link between museums and libraries?spacer image used to assist interface
Museums and libraries meet real community needs, offering everything from economic development incentives to community meeting spaces and from literacy efforts to after-school programs. They are havens for community engagement for children, families and adults, for scholarly research, and for quiet contemplation. Increasingly, people are searching for high-quality educational content online, and IMLS supports the development of tools and resources to provide seamless access to the digital holdings of collecting institutions regardless of type or physical location.

How does IMLS provide leadership?spacer image used to assist interface
IMLS take an active role in championing the role libraries and museums play in our society. IMLS does this by supporting research, convening forums and conferences and disseminating best practices through its web site and other publications.

Through its National Awards for Museum and Library Service the agency places a national spotlight on museums and libraries that are enriching community life through their commitment to public service. This is the only national award for museum and library service to communities. The awards honor several libraries and museums annually in ceremonies in Washington, D.C.

What other information is available from IMLS?spacer image used to assist interface
Through its Office of Research and Technology, IMLS contributes to the national knowledge base on museum and library practice, identifies and disseminates promising practices within the library and museum communities and promotes advanced technology for providing museum and library services to the public.

The results of the studies and surveys conducted or funded by IMLS, as well as a number of other publications, are available online at this Web site.

Can IMLS help start a museum?spacer image used to assist interface
Only museums already open and serving the public can receive IMLS awards. Anyone considering starting a museum, however, can benefit from reading IMLS grant guidelines to learn the issues of museum operation.

Can I apply for funds to expand, renovate or build a library or museum?spacer image used to assist interface
In the past, federal funding could be used for public library construction. However, FY 97 was the last year that funds were appropriated for construction and there is no new funding for library construction projects. Likewise, IMLS does not currently fund construction or renovation projects for museums.

How are reviewers selected?spacer image used to assist interface
IMLS depends on a pool of knowledgeable library and museum professionals to serve as grant reviewers each year. Reviewers provide real service to the profession by the high standards they apply to the grantmaking process. They serve their profession by promoting best practices and also realize professional benefits for themselves. Reviewer requirements vary by program.

Who works for IMLS and how is the agency organized? spacer image used to assist interface
IMLS staff members are federal employees. There are over 50 staff members. The agency consists of the Offices of the Director, Research and Technology, Public and Legislative Affairs, Museum Services and Library Services. For information about employment opportunities, access the IMLS vacancy announcements.

About IMLS  |  IMLS News  |  Apply For Grants and Awards
Publications, Conferences & Resources  |  A Closer Look


Questions, comments, or problems? Contact IMLS via email or by phone (202) 606-8536.

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