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Search History allows the user to re-execute or edit any previous search performed in the current session.

Using Search History

Select the Search Historybutton from the top button bar to view a table of previous searches (at least one search must be completed for the button to be available).

Note: when searches are re-executed, any Search Limits that are currently in effect will be applied. However, previously set Search Limits will no longer be available (they can be reset by the user prior to re-executing the search from Search History).

The Search History display has four columns:

  • Select to Edit - searches are listed in the order entered, most recent first; select a number to edit search terms, reset options, etc.
  • Hits - the number of catalog records retrieved
  • Type of Search - the search method used (e.g., Subject, Name, Keyword, Command Keyword, etc.) shown as a hypertext link; select to re-execute the search
  • Search Query - the word or phrase searched (including Boolean operators and punctuation) shown as a hypertext link; select to re-execute the search

Search History Tips:

  • Select the hyperlinked text in the Type of Search or Search Query columns to re-execute the search.

  • Select the number in the Select to Edit column to edit the search on the search method screen originally used.

  • The Search History does not retain information about Search Limits. When a search is re-executed or edited, any current limits in effect will be used instead of limits previously specified.

  • Selecting [Start Over], located on button bar at the top of the screen, causes the Search History to be cleared. Select [New Search] to search again without clearing the Search History.

  • Subject Browse, Author/Creator Browse, and Call Number Browse searches display the legend Index Browse in the Hits column instead of a number. These searches are set to "browse" the catalog, rather than return a distinct set of records that match the search.

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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September 3, 2003