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Best Workplaces for Commuters For Supporters Photo of Walking Business People  
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Photo of Walking Business People  

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Sponsored by: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Transportation

Network Feedback

To help ensure that the Best Workplaces for CommutersSM Network continues to meet your needs, EPA and DOT are very interested in your comments, suggestions, and general feedback. To provide feedback, please respond to any or all of the following questions. For each question, check one or more of the boxes.

Check which currently available tools and resources are most useful to you.

Promotional Toolkit


Business Benefits Calculator

Commuter Benefits Seminar

Social Marketing Training

Commuter Benefits Briefs

Personal EPA Contact


Check which tools and resources you would like to see available to the Network in the future.


Directory of Network Members


PSA Artwork

Meetings at ACT National Conference


Check which Network training topics would be of most benefit to you.

Understanding how employers qualify for BWC

Funding Opportunities

Marketing your services to large companies (FORTUNE 500)

Marketing your services to colleges/universities or hospitals

Identifying BWC Districts in your area

Capturing media attention

Creating promotional materials

Finding and working with the right TDM players

Running a BWC campaign


What are the major obstacles you face in promoting commuter benefits?

Lack of mass transit infrastructure

Lack of awareness of commuting options

Lack of awareness of commuter benefits

Slow economy making employers reluctant to offer commuter benefits

Traffic congestion not a hot issue at this time


What type of area/employers do you serve?

Major metropolitan area

Suburban area

Rural community




Local/state/regional government

Large companies

Medium-sized companies

Small companies

Business districts


Are you in a trip reduction mandated area?



What other enhancements could be made to improve the value of the Network?

Please feel free to offer general comments and suggestions on any aspect of the Best Workplaces for Commuters Network.

If possible, please include your contact information as well.


E-mail Address

Phone Number








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