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Global Information Grid (GIG)
Operations Directorate (GIG-OP)

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  • Arlington VA
  • (703) 607-6078
Organization Links

GO1, Management Support Division

GO2, Resource Management Division


GO4, Field Security Operations Division

GO5, Plans, Concepts, & Integration Division

Combatant Commands/Field Offices



GIG-Operations Policy

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GIG-OP Site Map

The Defense Information Systems Agency Operations Directorate coordinates and synchronizes Agency global net-centric solutions in support of the full spectrum of military requirements and operations, and supports the Joint Task Force-Global Network Operations in its mission to provide secure, interoperable and reliable operation of the Global Information Grid, assuring Global Decision Superiority.

The GIG OP Directorate is responsible for the following functions:

NetOps - operates portions of the GIG, which includes the Defense Information System Network. NetOps provides assured and timely net-centric services across strategic, operational and tactical boundaries in support of DoD’s full spectrum of war-fighting, intelligence and business missions. NetOps “service assurance” role ensures system and network availability, information protection and information delivery.

Operational Plans, Concepts and Integration - supports our highest priority - the warfighter - with over 1,800 men and women stationed globally, alongside the combatant commanders. Their daily face-to-face customer support engages on all aspects of GIG services from the earliest requirements definition phase, to battle staff planning, fielding, high quality sustained service and modernization. Through GO, the full spectrum of DISA’s transport, information systems and information assurance capabilities are integrated and synchronized for the warfighter, both within DISA and across the other contributing Services, agencies, Joint Staff and DoD.

Field Security - enhances availability and security of the GIG by ensuring adherence to information assurance and NetOps policies, including development of guides and procedures; training of combatant commands, subordinate and Service components; implementation of standard information assurance solutions; formal certification reviews, and tracking compliance metrics.

Joint Staff Support Center-Pentagon - is the forward representative to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responsible for operating elements of the GIG and providing net-centric solutions in direct support of the President, Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Combatant Commanders, and other DoD components across the complete spectrum of military operations.

Joint Spectrum Center - enables the effective and efficient use of the electromagnetic spectrum and control of electromagnetic environmental effects in support of national security and military objectives. The center also provides consultative support to identify and solve potential electromagnetic environmental effects and spectrum management technical issues impacting military systems.

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