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Headings List

A Headings List displays results from a Subject or Author/Creator Browse.

Each row of the Headings List display lists a heading with the number of title hits matching that heading. Selecting the heading will display a Titles List for all titles matching that heading.

Headings List has 4 columns:

image of a headings list display

Parts of this display: 

  • # includes a sequential number and the [ More Info ] icon, when available (select to view other related headings or scope notes from name and subject authority records)
  • Hits indicates the number of catalog records with the heading
  • Headings (Select to View Titles) displays the heading itself (select to see a Titles List for that heading)
  • Type of Heading Type indicates the thesaurus or list used for subjects; or the type of author/creator (personal, corporate, etc.) for names.

Note: A "0" (zero) in the Hits column means that no catalog records use the heading; instead users should select [ More Info ] to learn the heading actually used for the relevant catalog records.


  • More detailed information on Cross References and Scope Notes is available.

  • The designation [from old catalog] appears at the end of some headings. Taken from a previous database, these catalog records are being edited to comply with current cataloging standards and to reflect contemporary language and usage.

  • If there are more headings than will display on the screen, the next group of headings can be displayed by selecting the Next Page icon. Return to the previous group of headings by selecting the icon.

  • After displaying a single title or Titles List for a heading, Previous Pagereturn to the Headings List by selecting the Headings List icon from the button bar displayed at the top of the screen.

Use the browser's [Back] button to resume searching.

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September 3, 2003