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Reference and Scope Notes are used to link users to authorized terms.
Select the [ More Info ] icon to view the reference and/or scope notes for the term.

References & Scope Notes

In the Headings List display, some headings do not link directly to catalog records, but instead supply links to related headings and/or scope notes (marked with the [ More Info ] icon) as illustrated in the screen below. This information is used to guide the user from terms that may initially be searched, but are not used as headings, to terms that are authorized in the Library of Congress Subject Headings or to authorized forms of names for persons or groups. (Although the Online Catalog contains authorized headings from other controlled vocabularies, it does not include references from them.) To interpret the legends dislayed in the Heading Type column of the display, see the help screen for Headings List Types.

# Titles Headings Heading Type
More Terms 1 117 Artists' books LC subject headings
2 1 Artists' books 1977. Genre terms for rare books and special collections
3 1 Artists' books Australia. LC subject headings

To view the references or scope note, select the [ More Info ] icon. Only Scope Notes, See references, See Also references, and Narrower Terms display; broader terms are not currently displayed.

References and Scopes Notes example screen:

Database Name: Library of Congress Online Catalog
Information for: Artists' books

Scope Note:

Note: Here are entered books which are produced by artists and intended as visual art objects, and general works about such books. Works about such books produced in a particular place are entered under this heading with local subdivision. Works about books richly illustrated with original prints by well known artists and published in limited editions are entered under Artists' illustrated books.
Works on custom bindings of books, irrespective of contents, are entered under Fine bindings.

See, See Also, and Narrower Term References:
* Broader Terms not currently available

Reference Information
Narrower Term: Mail art

From the display, view the scope note when available, or, select a Narrower Term, See or See Also reference from the Reference Information table to perform a new search on using that term. Select the Headings List icon from the top button bar, to return to the Headings List.

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September 3, 2003