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NOAA Weather Radio

NOAA Weather Radio 2000

The nationwide modernization of the NWS is bringing NOAA Weather Radio 2000 to every forecast office in the country.

With NOAA Weather Radio 2000, forecasts and statements will automatically and instantaneously go straight from the NWS forecaster to the NOAA Weather Radio 2000 and out onto the airways saving 5 to 10 minutes or more. There will be no delay in critical weather information and warnings and even more timely forecast and observations. As soon as we issue a product, it is inserted into broadcast cycle. Also, as soon as product expires, it is gone. This means that the broadcast will always be fresh.

The NOAA Weather Radio 2000 will allow us to program specific products to air at specific times. If you are interested in a specialized product, such as the River Forecast and Summary, you will know exactly when to tune in. This will eliminate the uncertainty of the old deck driven system. It will allow us to make and publicize a broadcast schedule. However, significant warning information will always have a number one priority on NOAA Weather Radio and override normal programming.

NOAA Weather Radio 2000 will directly feed into the Specific Area Message Encoder (SAME) for use by specialized receivers and the new Emergency Alert System (EAS). In the past, warnings and watches where alerted manually. The manual choosing and pressing of a series of buttons could lead to human error causing mistakes in the digital code that is broadcasted. Automation of the manual entry eliminates these errors and speeds up the process of broadcasting the warnings.

NOAA Weather Radio 2000 offers many benefits as mentioned and allows us to free up staff to focus on the process of detecting severe weather and providing accurate and timely warnings to you. However, NOAA Weather Radio 2000 does use an automated computer voice that will be a noticeable change from our current NOAA Weather Radio broadcasts. It will take some getting use to, especially people who have grown accustomed to hearing our voices over the radio and have come to know us.

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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