Healthy People 2010 presents 467 objectives to improve the health of
Americans by the year 2010. Because these objectives are national, not
solely Federal, the achievement of these objectives is dependent in part
on the ability of health agencies at all levels of the government and of
non-governmental organizations to assess objective progress.
Regular reviews of action and progress on the Healthy People 2000
objectives were held throughout the 1990s, and similar reviews have
begun for Healthy People 2010.
The National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, has developed a new data system to track all
467 Healthy People 2010 objectives. The data are updated quarterly
on NCHS's DATA2010 Web site.
- (from Tracking Healthy People 2010)
The objectives are being tracked by 190 data sources. A major
data source is defined as a data system responsible for tracking five or more objectives.
The Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS)
annual report on the health status of the Nation.
The 10 Leading Health Indicators established in Healthy People 2010
were chosen, in part, based on the availability of data to measure
their progress. Regular reporting on the Indicators is planned.
NCHS prepared an annual statistical review to monitor and evaluate
the Nation's progress toward the Year 2000 objectives. The
last publication in the series, Healthy People 2000
Final Review, was released in October 2001.
Healthy People 2010 relies upon data from many different sources.
A few key sources are listed here.