Highway to Space
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Highway to Space

Marshall is NASA's lead center for developing the nation's future reuseable space transportation systems. Marshall is leading the way to unlocking the potential of space by improving the safety, reliability, and reducing the cost of getting to space.

The people of MSFC oversee NASA's exciting technology development and demonstation programs and develop the propulsion systems needed for NASA's science missions and the International Space Station. Demonstrating advanced technologies in experimental aircrafts are setting the stage for dramatic improvements in future launch vehicles. MSFC is also looking 25-40 years into the future, developing breakthroughs that will lead to systems we can only imagine of today.

Marshall is also responsible for the most critical components of today's launch vehicle workhorse — the Space Shuttle, including the shuttle main engines, solid rocket boosters and external fuel tank. And when spacecraft need an extra boost into high-Earth orbit or on escape routes for planetary missions, they're likely to ride on Marshall-managed spacecraft boosters. As NASA's center of excellence for space propulsion, Marshall employs some of the nation's finest and brightest engineers to support its renowned propulsion programs.

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