BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Market Research

Market Research
Reviewing some market research is often the best place to start when developing your business strategy. The U.S. Commercial Service prepares market research reports so you can develop a solid understanding of a market – and its opportunities.

Research reports range from in-depth Industry Sector Analysis reports that offer detail on the competitive landscape, channels of distribution, market dynamics, and demand trends, to brief Market Overview Reports that offer a timely, abbreviated look at a market.

The U.S. Commercial Service prepares International Market Insight reports when developments occur that are of interest to U.S. exporters. IMIs keep exporters up-to-date with regulatory changes and sector news.

We also can prepare customized market research that responds to your specific needs.

Market research is only a point of departure - we encourage you to work with the U.S. Commercial Service to gather additional insight relevant to your particular product or service.

Showcase Europe offers market research for the following sectors:

Energy & Power Generation
Environmental Technologies
Information & Communication Technologies
Medical & Pharmaceutical
Safety & Security
Travel & Tourism

To access published market research prepared by the U.S. Deparment of Commerce, please visit the following site: [External link]