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Scientists collecting a core of coral

 "Understanding our global environment and our role in it is the first step toward living in better harmony with nature."
Reports to the Nation:
Our Changing Planet



Program Elements | Activities


OGP Program Elements

Atmospheric Composition and Climate (ACC)

Climate and Societal Interactions (CSI)

Climate Change Data and Detection (CCDD)

Climate Dynamics and Experimental Prediction (CDEP)

Climate Observation (CO)

Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR): 

Climate Prediction Program for the Americas (CPPA)

Global Carbon Cycle (GCC)

NOAA Ocean and Human Health Initiative (OHH)

NOAA Climate Transition Program (NCTP)

Paleoclimatology (See Climate Change Data and Detection)



Argos JTA

Teachers at Sea/ Teachers in the Field (TAS)


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Last Updated September 2, 2004