United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education, and Economics

Policies and Procedures



Title: EMS Delegations of Authority
Number: 1030-EMS
Date: 9/22/94
Originating Office: Economics Management Staff
This Replaces: 1313-EMS-1 dated 1/22/93
Distribution: EMS Only 




This P&P identifies administrative authorities delegated to specific organization levels and positions in the Economics Management Staff (EMS)





1. Introduction
    Level of Delegations
    Exercise of Delegations
2. Organization, Position Management, and Classification
3. Staffing
4. Hours of Duty and Leave
5. Performance Management and Awards
6. Training
7. Employee Relations
8. Official Duty Station
9. Waivers of Repayment
10. Travel -- Domestic
11. Travel -- Foreign
12. Travel -- General
13. Attendance at Meetings (AD-202)
14. Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Requests
15. Purchases
16. Contracts and Agreements
17. Property, Vehicles, and Space
18. Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights


1.    Introduction


This document shows the delegation of administrative authorities to organizational levels and positions in the Economics Management Staff (EMS). It indicates whether officials in those positions may exercise discretion to redelegate those authorities to lower level positions.

Level of Delegations

This document shows the lowest level to which the Director, EMS, has delegated authority. Unless otherwise noted, higher level officials are also delegated this authority and retain the right to exercise those authorities. For example, the Director retains the authorities delegated to division directors. By the same token, division directors retain the right to exercise authorities delegated to branch chiefs.

Exercise of Delegations

In most cases, officials may only exercise delegated authorities when the action does not relate to them individually. This is always the case with Branch Chiefs and lower level officials. However, the Deputy Director and Division Directors may sign for themselves as approving officials in the following instances:

The Director reserves the authority to deny or modify the action for authorities that require prior notification.

2.    Organization, Position Management, and Classification



Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
DR 1010-1 1. Authorize and approve organizational changes at    
a. the branch level See footnote 11 Director Yes
b. the section level and below. Division Directors No
DPM 312 2. Allocate personnel ceilings to divisions.

DPM 312 3. Review and approve staffing plans covering individual positions at the    
a. GS-13-15 level Director Yes
b. GS-12 level and below.See footnote 22 Division Directors No
DPM 511 4. Classify positions as to title, occupational series, grade level, and position sensitivity.      Positions in the Personnel                 division See footnote 33     No


3.    Staffing



Delegated To
May Redelegate to
Next Level?
DPM 312 1    Approve SF-52s, Request for Personnel Action, for See footnote 44    
    a.    All GS-15 positions and GS-13/14 positions not listed in approved staffing plans.

    b.    GS-14 positions listed in approved staffing plans. Division Directors No
    c.    GS-13 and below positions listed in approved staffing plans.
Division Directors

    d.    GS-12 and below positions not listed in approved staffing plans.See footnote 55
Division Directors

DPM 312
2. Make selections for See footnote 66    
    a.    GS-15 positions. Director Yes
    b.    GS-14 positions.See footnote 77 Division Directors No
    c.    GS-13 positions.See footnote 88 Branch Chiefs     No
    d.    GS-12 positions and below.
Branch Chiefs Yes
DPM 334 3.    Approve IPA agreements. Director Yes
DPM 308 4.    Approve cooperative education agreements.     Director, Personnel Division No
DPM 352      5.    Approve details or reassignments with reemployment rights back to EMS (e.g., overseas assignments,             details to other USDA agencies).See footnote 99 Director         Yes


4.    Hours of Duty and Leave



Delegated To
May Redelegate to
Next Level?
DPM 610;
P&P 4610
1. Establish tours of duty:    
a. consistent with agency flextime Policy Branch Chiefs Yes
b. non-standard tours of duty.See footnote 1010 Division Directors Yes
c. special tours for educational purposes (form SF-52). Division Directors
DPM 550 2. Order or approve occasional and irregular overtime or compensatory time (form EMS-38).
Division Directors

3. Approve credit hours. Branch Chiefs Yes
DPM 550 4. Order or approve holiday work (form EMS-38). Division Directors Yes
DPM 630 5. Approve charging of absence to    
  a. accrued annual or sick leave or other leave, except leave without
pay (LWOP), absence without
leave (AWOL), or advanced leave.

Branch Chiefs

b. advanced annual or sick leave. Branch Chiefs No
c. leave without pay (LWOP) for 30
days or less.
Branch Chiefs No
d. leave without pay (LWOP) for more than 30 days. Division Directors
DPM 630 6. Charge absence to absence without leave (AWOL). Branch Chiefs Yes
5 CFR 630 7. Certify that Time and Attendance Reports (AD-321) are accurate and
that time was worked and approved according to law and regulation.

Branch Chiefs



5.    Performance Management and Awards



Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
DPM 430;
P&P 4430
1. Set and approve performance elements and standards, and rate performance of individuals, except for SES positions.See footnote 1111
Branch Chiefs

DPM 315
DPM 550
2. Determine satisfactory completion of probationary period for See footnote 1212    
a. Supervisors and managers. Branch Chiefs No
b. New employees. Branch Chiefs Yes
DPM 430;
DPM 451;
DPM 531
3. Approve awards:See footnote 1313    
a. Special act cash awards over $1,000 and up to $5,500 Director Yes
b. Performance bonuses, sustained superior performance awards, and Quality Step Increases.
Division Directors

c. Special act cash awards up to $1,000 Division Directors Yes
d. Spot awards up to $250. Division Directors Yes
e. Time-off awards:    
(1 ) up to 9 hours. Branch Chiefs Yes
(2) from 10 to 27 hours. Branch Chiefs No
(3) from 28 to 40 hours. Division Directors No
g. Director's Quality Award. Director Yes
DPM 531 4. Withhold within-grade increases:    
a. Sign letters of decision to withhold within-grade increases.See footnote 1414
Branch Chiefs No
b. Sign decision letters on requests to reconsider withholding
within-grade increases.

Division Directors



6.    Training




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
DPM 410 1. Approve training (form SF-182). Division Directors Yes
FPM 410 2. Waive prohibition against training in non-government facilities for employees with less than 1 year of continuous service.
Branch Chiefs


7.    Employee Relations




Authority Delegated To
May Redelegate to

Next Level?

7 CFR 0.735 1. Approve requests for outside employment (form EMS-368):See footnote 1515    
a. for a foreign entity or for consulting, advising, teaching, lecturing, or writing.

b. in any other capacity. Branch Chiefs No
7 CFR 0.735 2. Conflict-of-interest determinations:    
a. identify employees required to file Confidential Financial Disclosure Report (form SF-450) and make determinations on those which involve substantial conflict-of- interest questions. Director No
b. Initially review all SF-450s and make determinations on those not involving substantial conflict-of-interest questions. Head, Employee
Relations Section, PD

  3. Disciplinary actions, grievances, and appeals:See footnote 1616    
DPM 432;
DPM 751;
DPM 752
a. Sign letters of reprimand and
adverse action proposals:
(1) GS-15. Director Yes
{2) GS-14. Division Directors No
(3) GS-13 and below. Branch Chiefs No
DPM 315;
DPM 432;
DPM 751;
DPM 752
b. Sign decision letters for adverse
actions and separation of
probationers:See footnote 1717
(1) GS-14/15. Director Yes
(2) OS-13 and below. Division Directors No
DPM 771 c. Sign final agency decisions on formal grievances. Director No
201.31; 7
CFR 15.64-5
d. Represent the agency at hearings relative to adverse actions, grievances, appeals, and other personnel matters. Head, Employee
Relations Section,



8.    Official Duty Station




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
DPM 610 1. Approve official duty stations outside the Federally-owned or rented buildings occupied by EMS. Director No


9.    Waivers of Repayment




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
  1. Approve waivers of repayment for    
DPM 410;
ATR 2-1.5
a. unfulfilled service agreements after travel to first duty station, transfer of official station, or training. Division Directors
5 USC 5584;
P&P 2500
b. erroneous payments of salary or allowances not exceeding $500 (except for travel and
Director, Budget, Finance, and Systems Automation division See footnote 1818
PL 102-190 c. erroneous payments of travel and
transportation expenses.

See footnote 1919

d. IPA agreements.

  e. failure to complete training in a nongovernment facility
Division Directors

31 USC 3711; 4 CFR
2. Suspend or terminate collection action, or exercise compromise authority, on claims up to $20,000.
Director See footnote 2020

DPM 630 3. Approve waivers of repayment of overdrawn leave.See footnote 2121 Division Directors No

10.    Travel -- Domestic




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
ATR 1-1.5a;
1. Approve an unlimited open travel authorization.See footnote 2222 Assistant Secretary
January 10, 1991 memo from Director,
Office of
Finance and
2. Authorize travel to resort areas.

ATR 1-1.5a;
3. Designate positions eligible for a limited open travel authorization.See footnote 2323 Director
ATR 1-1.5a;
4. Approve a limited open travel authorization for positions designated
by the Director.


ATR 1-1.5a;
5. Authorize, direct, and approve routine domestic travel.
Division Directors

  6. Authorize, direct, and approve non-routine domestic travel    
DPM 571;
DPM 981
a. to first post of duty. Director,
division See footnote 2424

ATR 1-1.7;
41 CFR 302
b. for changes of official station. Director Yes
DPM 571 c. for pre-employment
interviews:See footnote 2525
Division Doctors Yes
ATR 1-1.7 d. by nongovernment employees. Director Yes
ATR 1-1.3g e. involving payment of expenses by nonfederal sources. Director Yes
ATR 1-1.7;
41 CFR 301-8
f. on an actual subsistence basis in
lieu of per diem up to the statutory maximum rate.

Division Directors

ATR 1-1.7 g. on non-contract air carriers. Division Directors Yes
ATR 1-1.1d;
ATR 1-3.3d
h. premium class (first or business class) airline travel. Director No
ATR 1-1.7 k. by employee organization
Director Yes
ATR 1-1.7;
ATR 1-1.3d;
ATR 1-1.5.b
l. to attend meetings, conferences, seminars, training and similar events.See footnote 2626
Division Directors

ATR 1-1.7 m. for medical examinations. Director Yes
ATR 1-1.7 n. by members of public advisory committees. Director Yes
ATR 1-1.7 o. by employees testifying in judicial proceedings. Division Directors Yes
ATR 1-1.7, p. emergency travel by employees. Division Directors Yes


11.    Travel -- Foreign




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
ATR 1-1.1f Authorize, direct, and approve foreign travel    
1. to Canada or Mexico by employees
who regularly perform their duties
close to the border of either of these countries.
Director Yes
  2. within countries of assignment for employees stationed outside the United States. Director Yes
3. to or from U.S. territories or possessions. Director Yes
4. to or from Alaska or Hawaii. Director Yes
  5. changes in travel itineraries. Director Yes
6. all other foreign travel. Director Yes


12.   Travel -- General




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
ATR 1-10,3:
DR 2250-2
1. Approve AD-615, Advance of Funds. Branch Chiefs No
41 CFR 301-
2. Approve AD-616, Travel Voucher.See footnote 2727 Branch Chiefs Yes
DR 2250-2 3. Approve SF-1164, Claims for Reimbursement for Expenditures on
Official Business, for local travel.
Branch Chiefs Yes


13.    Attendance at Meetings (AD-202)




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
ATR 1-1.1e,
ATR 1-1.3b;
ATR 1-1 5b;
P&P 2300
Authorize attendance at meetings on official time:See footnote 2828    
1. National meetings. Division Directors Yes
2. Other domestic meetings. See footnote 2929 Division Directors Yes
3. Common interest meetings held in Canada or Mexico. Director Yes
4. Meetings held in other countries, except common interest meetings
held in Canada or Mexico.
Director Yes
5. International meetings, regardless of where held. See footnote 3030 Director Yes


14.    Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Requests




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
7 CFR 1.3;7 CFR 1.8;
7 CFR 4001;
P&P 3450
1. Grant or deny requests for records under the Freedom of Information Act. Chief, Management
Analysis Branch

2. Grant or deny appeals of Freedom of Information Act decisions. Director No
3. Grant or deny requests for access to, or amendment of, a record under the Privacy Act. Chief,
Analysis Branch

4. Grant or deny appeals of Privacy Act decisions. Director Yes

15.    Purchases




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
41 CFR
1. Approve issuance of credit cards for automobiles, 00 retail stores, and GSA retail stores. Director, Administrative Services
division  See footnote 3131

7 CFR 2.7 2. Requisition supplies, services, furniture and equipment (sign forms AD-700, AD-14, AD-270, AD-271, GPA-63, GPA-63-a, and AD-744) when the expenditure is less than $25,000. See footnote 3232
Division Directors

DR 5001-1 3. Exercise procurement contracting authority (sign forms AD-838, Purchase Order; AD-633, FEDSTRIP; and OF-347, Order for Supplies or Services). Director Administrative Services division See footnote 3333


16.    Contracts and Agreements




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
7 CFR 2.7;
DR 5001-1
1. Contracts:    
a. Sign form AD-700 to approve preliminary specifications workplan.
Division Directors

b. Negotiate and sign contracts. Director, Administrative
Services division See footnote 3434

P&P 5800 2. Cooperative agreements:    
a. Negotiate and approve preliminary specifications/ Workplan (sign form AD- 700).

b. Sign formal agreements (form EMS-467 or form EMS-471). Assistant
Secretary for

7 USC 1621;
7 USC 1704;
31 USC 686
3. Interagency agreements:    
a. Negotiate and approve preliminary specifications/ workplan (sign form AD-700). Division Directors Yes
  b. Sign formal agreements, including form AD-672, Reimbursement or Advance of Funds Agreement. Director Yes


17.    Property, Vehicles, and Space




Delegated To
Redelegated to
Next Level?
AGPMR 104-50.102, 104-50.103, 104-50.104; P&P 5200 1. As Agency Property Management Officer, sign forms AD- 107, AD-112, AD-120, AD-126, AD-187 AD-568, AD-873, AD-999, and GSA-494.See footnote 3535
Head, Property
and Services

  2. As Accountable Property Officers, sign forms AD-107, AD-112, and AD-873.See footnote 3636 Branch Chiefs No
41 CFR 101 -
3. Requisition space and facilities (sign

Chief, Procurement, Property, and Space Branch

41 CM 101-
4. Sign leases for office space in
locations authorized by GSA.
Chief, Procurement, Property, and Space Branch Yes
41 CFR 101 -
5. Approve requests for construction, alterations, and repairs to EMS facilities {sign forms GSA-300 and GSA-2957 and speed memos). Chief,
Property and
Space Branch

P&P 5400;
6. Approve requests from EMS
employees to park Government
owned/leased vehicles at or near their residence.



18.    Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights




Delegated To
Redelegate to
Next Level?
29 CFR 1613;
Directive 714;
5 CFR 720
1. Approve annual Affirmative Employment Plan containing agency goals; the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program Plan; and the annual accomplishment report.

  2. Sign settlement agreements for complaints of discrimination. Director No


Accountable Property Officer. The officials assigned responsibility for the control and management of all property within their units.

AGPMR. Agriculture Property Management Regulations.

ATR. Agriculture Travel Regulations.

CFR. Code of Federal Regulations.

DPM. Departmental Personnel Manual.

DR. Departmental Regulation.

EEOC. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

FPM. Federal Personnel Manual.

GSA. General Services Administration.

IPA. Intergovernmental Personnel Act. This Act allows Federal officials to be assigned to temporary positions in state or local governments, and vice-versa.

OO. Office of Operations.

Property Custodian. The employee provided physical custody of property and who is responsible for its proper care.

TM. Travel Manual.

USC. United States Code.

Footnote: 1    1Organizational changes involving the gain or loss of a function at the division level or above require the approval of the Assistant Secretary for Administration.

Footnote: 2    2Subject to remaining within the overall division staff-year ceiling and funds.

Footnote: 3    3The Director of the Personnel Division may restrict the authority of an incumbent.

Footnote: 4    4These authorities are subject to temporary withdrawal during a hiring freeze.

Footnote: 5    5Subject to remaining within the overall division staff-year ceiling and funds.

Footnote: 6    6Subject to discussion with the Director.

Footnote: 7    7Subject to discussion with the Director.

Footnote: 8    8Branch chiefs may be required to consult with their division director on selected positions.

Footnote: 9    9Excludes the following details or reassignments that require prior clearance from the Office of Personnel: nonreimbursable details exceeding 30 days to other Federal departments (see Assistant Secretary for Administrations memorandum dated 6/20/79 to agency heads); details to the White House or to staffs and commissions of the President or Vice President; and details or reassignments involving SES employees, experts and consultants, and persons in regard to whom suitability questions have been raised (see DPM 277, Exhibit 1).

Footnote: 10    10Nonstandard tours of duty include those necessitated by emergency situations, part-time and intermittent work, and adjustments to enable full-time, permanent employees to teach at educational institutions. Document the rationale for non-standard tours in a memorandum to the Personnel Division.

Footnote: 11    11DPM Chapter 430 requires that performance ratings be made by the supervisor who normally gives the employee work assignments, reviews or approves the work upon completion, and usually has responsibility for the employee's attendance, leave, etc. Employees wishing to dispute performance ratings should use agency grievance procedures {see P&P 4771).

Footnote: 12    12Subject to prior consultation with the division director, if the decision is not to retain the employee.

Footnote: 13    13The Department requires two levels of approval in all cases. For example, if a section head recommends 8 hours time off as an award, the branch chief must approve the recommendation.

Footnote: 14    14Prior to withholding a within-grade increase, the supervisor must contact the Employee Services and Policy Development Branch. First-line supervisors may sign letters of decision, but the second level supervisor must concur.

Footnote: 15    15Contact the Employee Services and Policy Development Branch for advice and assistance.

Footnote: 16    16Contact the Employee Services and Policy Development Branch prior to proposing or taking any disciplinary action or responding to any grievance or appeal to ensure that actions are carried out in accordance with appropriate laws and regulations.

Footnote: 17    17Decision letters must be signed at a higher level than notices of proposed adverse action.

Footnote: 18    18The Director of the Budget, Finance, and Systems Automation Division must forward claims in excess of $500 to the Director of the Departmental Office of Finance and Management for determination.

Footnote: 19    19The Director of the Departmental Office of Finance and Management may waive repayment of travel and transportation expenses up to $1,500. The Secretary must waive claims over $1,500.

Footnote: 20    20Subject to the advice of the Office of the General Counsel on claims of $400 or more.

Footnote: 21    21Division Directors may waive overdrawn leave only when an employee is separated by death or disability retirement, entrance into military service with restoration rights, or resignation because disability prevents the employee from continuing or resuming service. Under all other circumstances, the separating employee must either refund the full amount of indebtedness or the employee's final salary and lump sum payments will be adjusted by this amount.

Footnote: 22    22The Assistant Secretary may establish this type of travel authorization for the Director only.

Footnote: 23    23This type of authorization is limited to employees who need to perform frequent, routine, repetitive travel within a work-related geographic area (foreign or domestic).

Footnote: 24    24USDA's Office of Personnel has delegated authority directly to the Director of the Personnel Division. Selecting officials first sign form AD-202 and then route it through the servicing personnel management specialist to the Director of the Personnel Division.

Footnote: 25    25Obtain advice and assistance concerning the proper use of this authority from the Personnel Division.

Footnote: 26    26For authority to approve attendance at meetings, conferences, training, and similar events, see Chapter 13.

Footnote: 27    27The only individuals who may approve travel vouchers are the traveler's working supervisor or another responsible individual who has knowledge of the purpose of the travel and its accomplishment.

Footnote: 28    28Does not apply to routine working meetings that are less than 1 day long.

Footnote: 29    29ATR 4-1.3.b. requires that meetings where a majority of the attendees will be Washington, D.C.-based personnel be held at a location within the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area. Either the Assistant Secretary or Deputy Assistant Secretary must authorize exceptions.

Footnote: 30    30The Foreign Agricultural Service's International Cooperation and Development office must approve attendance at certain intergovernmental meetings (except common interest meetings in Canada and Mexico). See ATR 1-13.4a and Figure 13-1.

Footnote: 31    31The Director of the Administrative Services Division has redelegated this authority to the Chief of the Procurement, Property, and Space Branch.

Footnote: 32    32Expenditures greater than $25,000 are covered under Chapter 16, Contracts and Agreements.

Footnote: 33    33The Director or the Administrative Services Division has redelegate this authority to the Chief, Procurement, Property, and Space Branch - unlimited; the Head, Procurement Section, Contract Specialists, and Purchasing Agents, GS-1105-6 and above $25,000 Open Market and maximum order limitation on Federal Supply Schedule contracts and other mandatory sources.

Footnote: 34    The Director of the Administrative Services Division has redelegated unlimited authority to the Chief of the Procurement, Property, and Space Branch, and authority for contracts up to $200,000 to the Head of the Procurement Section.

Footnote: 35    Consult P&P 5200, "Property Management,. for situations when to use these forms.

Footnote: 36    Accountable Property Officers may designate Property Custodians to assist them as specified in P&P 5200.