United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education, and Economics

Policies and Procedures



Title: Tracking The Disposal Of ARS-Owned Buildings (Including Demolition)
Number: P&P 246.1-ARS
Date: September 18, 1997
Originating Office: Facilities Division, Real Property Management Branch, AFM/ARS
This Replaces:
Distribution: Area Administrative Officers, ARS
Area Property Management Officers, ARS
Area Office Engineers, ARS
Location Administrative Officers, ARS
Facilities Division, RPMB, AFM/ARS
Facilities Division, FEB, AFM/ARS




Congress requests information annually on Agency research facilities that have been eliminated from the real property inventory. This Issuance describes the ARS policy and procedures for tracking the disposal of Agency-owned buildings, including the use of demolition, transfer, donation, sale, or other means.






1. Summary
2. Policy
3. Planning
4. Tracking
5. Procedures
    10-Year Facilities Plan
    Real Property Management Information System
6. Summary Of Responsibilities
Exhibit 1
Exhibit 2


1.    Summary

Congress requests information annually during the budget hearings (February-March) on Agency research facilities that have been eliminated from the real property inventory. This P&P describes the ARS policy and procedures for tracking the disposal of Agency-owned buildings, including the use of demolition. The disposal of buildings is being accomplished by the Areas through demolition; transfer to State, county, municipal, or private ownership; donation; sale; or other means. In view of Agency location closure activity, it has become more difficult to track and report accurately to Congress the building square footage reductions that are occurring. To more effectively control the disposal of these assets, a process is necessary to project building disposals and track the actual disposal actions.


2.    Policy

It is the policy of ARS that buildings will be disposed of when they have reached the end of their lifespan and/or are no longer effective or efficient in providing space to carry out the Agency mission.


3.    Planning

ARS has been projecting its building modernization requirements at the location level through the 10-Year Facilities Plan. Exhibit 1 is the document to be used to reflect outyear disposal action projections at each location. Using this document, the Area Offices can identify specific buildings to be removed from the inventory, including associated costs and disposal timetables. The 10-Year Facilities Plan is updated on an annual basis, generally during the time period of January through March.


4.    Tracking

The mechanism for tracking actual disposal actions as they occur is the Agency's Real Property Management Information System (RPMIS). This is the official real property inventory system maintained by each Area Office. Headquarters can generate reports from RPMIS that will help fulfill the annual Congressional reporting requirements. It is important that the RPMIS information on building disposals be most current during January in order for the Agency to accurately report to Congress. Exhibit 2 shows the kinds of disposal data the Areas are responsible for keeping current.


5.    Procedures

10-Year Facilities Plan

Using the appropriate document (see Exhibit 1), the responsible person in the Area Office will identify for each location the specific buildings the Area plans to remove from the real property inventory. Associated costs and timetables for these disposals should also be shown.

Real Property Management Information System

When a building has been disposed of, it must be removed from the active inventory promptly by the person in the Area Office responsible for maintaining the real property inventory. Do not delete the building from RPMIS. Instead, archive the information related to the disposed building using the following steps:


6. Summary Of Responsibilities

Area Administrative Officers.

Area Property Management Officers (APMO).

Area Office Engineers.

Location Administrative Officers.

Facilities Division, Facilities Engineering Branch.

Facilities Division, Real Property Management Branch.



Deputy Administrator
Administrative and Financial Management

Exhibit 1

wpe00707.gif (44957 bytes)



Exhibit 2

The excess/disposal process is part of the life cycle of each item of property. ARS is responsible for tracking each property from the beginning to the end of this cycle.

Area Office personnel are responsible for tracking the following types of excess/disposal data for buildings at each location:

Excess Indicator - the current status of the excessing of the property.

Excess Date - the date the property was declared excess by the location or Area.

Disposal Date - the date the property was disposed.

Disposal Method - the method of disposal, such as demolition, sale, transfer, etc.

Disposal Authority - Miscellaneous Public Laws (code 003).

Disposal Amount - the amount of money, if any, received by the Federal Government for the
disposal of this property.

Transfer To - the Federal agency this property was transferred to, if the disposal method was

Transfer Date - the date the transfer was made, if the disposal method was “Transfer.”

Disposal Proceeds - where the disposal proceeds, if any, were sent.

Disposal Cost - the amount of money, if any, spent by ARS to dispose of this property.