United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education, and Economics

Policies and Procedures



Title: Review of Unpaid Obligations
Number: 323.7
Date: August 5, 2002
Originating Office: Financial Management Division, ARS/AFM
This Replaces: ARS 323.7, dated 09/11/98
Distribution: REE Wide




This P&P states policy responsibilities, and procedures to meet Federal requirements and guidelines to review and firm up all valid unpaid obligations recorded in all of the accounts of the Agency (both current and prior fiscal year accounts).


Table of Contents

1. Authorities
2. Background
3. Policy
4. Summary of Responsibilities
5. Glossary

1.    Authorities

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-34, Sec. 13 - Application of Obligations
Title 7, General Accounting Office (GAO) Manual - Chapter 3, Obligations
USDA Departmental Regulation Number 2230-001

2.    Background

Pursuant to Departmental Regulation 2230-001, USDA agencies are required to reconcile unpaid obligations to supporting records for the current and prior fiscal years on a semiannual basis. The reconciliation process includes verifying that the obligations reported to the Department of Treasury and OMB on REE external reports agree with REE supporting records. Obligations must not be overstated on the external reports by inclusion of obligations that are not likely to require payment.

3.    Policy

It is policy to:

4.    Summary of Responsibilities

Economic Research Service (ERS)


ERS and AFM Staff responsible for conducting reviews

Unpaid/Open obligations at ERS consist of purchase orders, contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and interagency agreements.

ERS staff responsible for conducting reviews for their portion of the organization are:

Office of the Administrator, Central Operations Staff, Director
Office of the Administrator (OA), Budget Analyst
Food and Rural Economics Division (FRED), Administrative Officer
Information Services Division (ISD), Administrative Officer
Market and Trade Economics Division (MTED), Administrative Officer
Resource Economics Division (RED), Administrative Officer

Appropriation Level Management Staff (ALMS) Accountant, FMD

The ALMS Accountant will monitor the progress of the semiannual reviews conducted at ERS and AFM. This includes notifying ERS and AFM staff after January 31 and June 30 to begin the reviews and following up with ERS and AFM staff until the reviews are complete. The ALMS Accountant will provide DRRMOPV listings to ERS and AFM staff to review. ERS and AFM should return the listings to the ALMS Accountant within 30 days notated with actions to be taken. The ALMS Accountant will notify the Assistant Director, Financial Management Division, upon completion of the semiannual reviews. Staff responsible for the reviews within ERS and AFM will provide supporting documentation (reports, documents, and FFIS print screens) to the ALMS Accountant upon completion of reviews. The ALMS Accountant will maintain a file of supporting documentation to substantiate the reviews.

National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)


NASS and AFM Staff responsible for conducting reviews

Unpaid/Open obligations at NASS consist of purchase orders, contracts, agreements, and training greater than $2,500.

Appropriation Level Management Staff (ALMS) Accountant, FMD

The ALMS Accountant will monitor the progress of the semiannual reviews conducted at NASS and AFM. This includes notifying NASS and AFM staff after January 31 and June 30 to begin the reviews and following up with NASS and AFM staff until the reviews are complete. The ALMS Accountant will provide or have the NASS Budget/Administrative Services Office provide OBL listings to NASS and AFM staff to review. NASS and AFM should return thelistings to the ALMS Accountant within 30 days notated with actions to be taken. The ALMS Accountant will notify the Assistant Director, Financial Management Division, upon completion of the semiannual reviews. Staff responsible for the reviews within NASS and AFM will provide supporting documentation (reports, documents, and FFIS print screens) to the ALMS Accountant upon completion of reviews. The ALMS Accountant will maintain a file of supporting documentation to substantiate the reviews.

Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES)


CSREES and AFM Staff responsible for conducting reviews

Unpaid/Open obligations at CSREES consist of purchase orders, contracts, printing and binding requests, security clearances, reimbursable agreements, cooperative support agreements (CSAs), intergovernmental personnel act (IPAs) agreements, Health and Human Services (HHS) agreements (Letter of Credit) and training greater than $2,500.

Appropriation Level Management Staff (ALMS) Accountant, FMD

The ALMS Accountant will monitor the progress of the semiannual reviews conducted at CSREES and AFM. This includes notifying CSREES and AFM staff after January 31 and June 30 to begin the reviews and following up with CSREES and AFM staff until the reviews are complete. The ALMS Accountant will provide OOL listings to CSREES and AFM staff to review. CSREES and AFM should return the listings to the ALMS Accountant within 30 days notated with actions to be taken. The ALMS Accountant will notify the Assistant Director, Financial Management Division, upon completion of the semiannual reviews. CSREES and AFM staff responsible for the reviews will provide supporting documentation (reports, documents, and FFIS print screens) to the ALMS Accountant upon completion of reviews. The ALMS Accountant will maintain a file of supporting documentation to substantiate the reviews.

Agricultural Research Service (ARS)


ARS Staff responsible for conducting reviews

Unpaid/Open obligations at ARS consist of purchase orders, fedstrip orders, contracts, grants agreements, interagency agreements, HHS agreements (Letter of Credit), security clearances, printing and binding requests, and training greater than $2,500.

Appropriation Level Management Staff (ALMS), FMD

The ALMS Accountant will monitor the progress of the semiannual reviews conducted at ARS. This includes notifying ARS staff after January 31 and June 30 to begin the reviews and following up with ARS staff until the reviews are complete. The ALMS Accountant will provide UOS listings to PPD and FD staff to review. ARS Headquarters, ARS Area ABFOs and NAL are responsible for producing their respective UOS listings. ARS staff should return the listings to the ALMS Accountant within 30 days notated with actions to be taken. The ALMS Accountant will notify the Assistant Director, Financial Management Division, upon completion of the semiannual reviews. ARS staff responsible for the reviews will provide supporting documentation (reports, documents, and FFIS print screens) to the ALMS Accountant upon completion of reviews. The ALMS Accountant will maintain a file of supporting documentation to substantiate the reviews.

Area Administrative Officer

Ensure that ARS guidance and firm up actions are followed by all responsible Area personnel to review unpaid obligations.

Area Budget and Fiscal Officer (ABFO) and/or Contracting Officer (CO)/Authorized Departmental Officer (ADO)

FFIS Operations and Reporting Branch, Section Number 1 (RS#1), NFC

Oversee, facilitate, and confirm the input and processing of ARS financial transactions into the FFIS, where applicable.

Accounting and Procurement Personnel

Work jointly, diligently, and appropriately to review and determine whether all unpaid obligations (both current and prior fiscal years) are valid and require payments or invoicing by vendor for respective locations, Areas, and Headquarters accounts.

For All Research, Education, and Economics Agencies (REE)

Director, Financial Management Division (FMD)

“I hereby certify that semiannual reviews of undelivered orders were performed in accordance with Departmental Regulation 2230-001, and that the undelivered orders existing at fiscal year end are valid based on the reviews.”

Assistant Director, FMD

Director, Procurement and Property Division (PPD)

Director, Extramural Agreements Division (EAD)

Director, Facilities Division (FD)

Review open items with ARS budget and fiscal offices. Process contract modification forms to accomplish deobligation and/or adjustment of the open obligated amounts. Contract modifications for ARS budget and fiscal offices will be processed by FD in FFIS. Any other contract modifications will be sent to NFC, RS#1 to be processed in FFIS.REE Fundholder/Requisitioner

Determine whether the goods or services ordered are still needed. For purchase orders and contracts, prepare AD-700 to accomplish deobligation and/or adjustment of the open obligated amounts.

5.    Glossary

ABFO. Area Budget and Fiscal Officer.

Accounts Payable. The amount of goods and services received, but not yet paid.

ADO. Authorized Departmental Officer.

ALMS. Appropriation Level Management Staff, FMD.

CO. Contracting Officer.

Deobligation. Cancellation or downward adjustment of a previously recorded obligation that has been determined to be an excess obligation amount.

DTR. Detail Transaction Register - ERS.

Disbursement. A financial transaction that orders the payment of money to satisfy an account payable.

DRRMOPV. Document Referencing Report - MO/PV - ERS and NASS.

EAD. Extramural Agreements Division.

FD. Facilities Division.

FFIS. Foundation Financial Information System.

FMD. Financial Management Division.

FOB. Fiscal Operations Branch, FMD.

FRED. Food and Rural Economics Division, ERS.

GAO. General Accounting Office.

ISD. Information Services Division, ERS.

MTED. Market and Trade Economics Division, ERS.

NAL. National Agricultural Library.

NFC. National Finance Center.

OA. Office of the Administrator, ERS.

OBL. Open Obligations Report - NASS.

OBL/PAY. MO/PV Referencing Report - CSREES.

Obligations. Amounts of orders placed during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period.

OCR. Open Commitments Report - NASS.

OMB. Office of Management and Budget.

OOL. Open Obligations Listing - CSREES.

OOR. Open Obligations Report - ERS.

Outlays. Payments made when checks are issued or cash is disbursed to liquidate obligations.

PPD. Procurement and Property Division.

RED. Resource Economics Division, ERS.

RS#1. FFIS Operations and Reporting Branch, Section Number 1, NFC.

TDL. Transaction Detail Listing.

Undelivered Orders. The amount of goods and services ordered but not yet received.

Unpaid Obligations. The amount of obligations for which disbursements have not yet been made such as undelivered orders and accounts payable.

UOS. Open Item Summary by Document ID - ARS.

Deputy Administrator
Administrative and Financial Management