United States Department of Agriculture
Research, Education, and Economics

Policies and Procedures



Title: Authorized Unit Certifying Officers
Number: 327.2
Date: January 18, 2000
Originating Office: Financial Management Division
Systems, Analysis, and Policy Branch, ARS/AFM
This Replaces: ARS 327.2, dated March 16, 1990
Distribution: REE Offices in Headquarters, Areas, and Field Locations




This P&P states policy and responsibilities for designating employees as unit certifying officers to sign form AD-757, Miscellaneous Payment System, vouchers.


 Table Of Contents

1. Authorities and References
2. Policy
3. Delegation
4. Accountability and Liability
5. Summary of Responsibilities
6. Glossary


1.    Authorities and References


2.    Policy

It is REE policy to designate, in writing, unit certifying officers, as needed within each REE agency, to authorize payments for blanket purchase arrangements, small package courier service, metered mail expenses, and other payments as determined by the Director, Financial Management Division (FMD).


3.    Delegation

The Director, FMD, is authorized to designate all unit certifying officers for REE, and to delegate authority, in writing, to selected REE officials, individually named, to: (1) designate employees within specific REE agencies as unit certifying officers, and (2) revoke and amend such delegations.


4.    Accountability and Liability

Unit certifying officers are held personally accountable for using reasonable care, prudent judgement, and using all resources available to them to verify that the payment transactions which they certify (by signing form AD-757) are legal, proper, and correct.

If any payment that has been certified is found to be illegal, improper, or incorrect when evidence indicates that prudent judgement was not used and other reasonably available sources, if used, would indicate that payment should not have been certified, the unit certifying officer may be required to reimburse the Government.

In accordance with 31 United States Code 3528, certifying officers are not required to make good on payments they have certified if:


5.    Summary of Responsibilities


Area Administrative Officers (AAO)

Area Budget and Fiscal Officers (ABFO)


Director, Central Operations Staff


Associate Deputy Administrator for Field Operations

Administrative and Financial Management (AFM)

Chief, Systems, Analysis, and Policy Branch (SAPB), FMD

Unit certifying officer


6.    Glossary

AAO. Area Administrative Officer.

ABFO. Area Budget and Fiscal Officer.

AD-757. Miscellaneous Payment Form.

AFM. Administrative and Financial Management.

FMD. Financial Management Division.

FMM. Financial Management Manual.

GAO. General Accounting Office.

NFC. National Finance Center.

SAPB. Systems, Analysis, and Policy Branch, FMD.

TFM. Treasury Financial Manual.

PPD. Procurement and Property Division


Deputy Administrator
Administrative and Financial Management