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In 2000, State and Federal courts convicted a combined total of nearly 984,000 adults of felonies—State courts convicted an estimated 924,700 adults and Federal courts convicted 59,123 adults. Drug offenders were 34.6% of felons convicted in State courts in 2000.

Selected Publications

Federal Criminal Case Processing, 2001: With Trends 1982-2001, Reconciled Data
This report describes the processing of defendants in the Federal criminal justice system, including drug offenders.

Denial of Federal Benefits Program and Clearinghouse
This report provides an overview of the Denial of Federal Benefits Program, which provides courts with the ability to deny all or selected federal benefits to individuals convicted of drug offenses.

Juvenile Court Placement of Adjudicated Youth, 1989-1998 (PDF)
This fact sheet provides an overview of data on placement of juveniles in correctional facilities, treatment centers, and group homes.

Court-Related Links

Courts and Sentencing Statistics from BJS
This Web site summarizes data and statistics about pretrial release and detention, criminal case processing, criminal sentencing, civil justice, court organization, and indigent defense.

The Federal Judicial Center (FJC)
The FJC is the research and education agency of the Federal judicial system.

The National Center for State Courts
This non-profit organization promotes justice by providing leadership and service to the State courts.

United States Sentencing Commission (USSC)
The USSC establishes, reviews, and revises sentencing guidelines, policies, and practices for the Federal criminal justice system.

Last Updated: November 6, 2003

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